Pulau Sibu

Pulau Sibu, also known as Sibu Island, is a small island off  Malaysia's eastern coast, facing the South China Sea. It is actually made up of several islands namely Sibu Besar Island, Sibu Tengah Island, Sibu Kukus Island and Sibu Hujung Island. Sibu Besar, the main island, is approximately 6 km long and 1 km wide, and for the most part covered by tropical vegetation. On the southern end there is a small fishing village called Kampong Duku with a population of fewer than a hundred people (about 40 families). There are a number of small resorts on the island, typically used as a weekend or short vacation destination from Singapore, since the closest mainland  jetty Tanjong Leman is only a roughly 3 hour drive from Singapore via  Johor Bahru. The main leisure activities on the island are watersports such as snorkeling and diving - not surprising since the area was designated a Marine Park in 1993 and numerous coral reefs are close to hand. There are four main beaches on the eastern side of Sibu, where most of the beach resorts are located. Sea Gypsy Village Resort and Dive Base and Sibu Island Cabanas are situated on a beach facing Tinggi Island. Other resorts, such as Rimba Resort, are on the opposite side. Resorts facing the mainland are Coconut Village Resort, Junansa Villa and Twin Beach Resort. Most of the resorts are closed during the annual 3-month monsoon period, save for those facing the mainland. Sibu Island (Pulau Sibu) is an island off the eastern coast of  Johor , Malaysia.  Access to Sibu is via the small town of  Tanjung Leman, about 130 km north of  Johor Bahru and 72 km south of Mersing. There is no public transport to Tanjung Leman, so you need to sort out transfers with your resort (from RM 80/person return, incl. boat) or take a taxi (around RM 180 f rom JB). If you want t o cut back on your taxi fare, take a bus to Kota Tinggi first and continue from there. Some of the resorts operate shuttle buses directly from Singapore, with a total transfer time of about 3.5 hours. There is no Ferry from Tanjung Leman to Sibu. All the resorts on the island arrange transport for visitors. The trip takes 30 mins and costs RM 70 return. The are no Roads on Sibu. The island does have 1 motorbike in the Kampong. The easiest way is to travel around the island by boat or walk. The lack of roads has kept this island noncommercial unlike some other island in the region.