Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011

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Transcript of Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011

  • 8/4/2019 Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011






    .BAHASA INGGERISSkema. Kertas 1 da n 2

    Disediakan Oleh:AKR.A .M NEGER I TERENGGANU Dibiayai oleh:K ER AJA AN N EG ER I TE RE NG GA NU

    Kertas ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercerak

    [Lihat sebelah]SULIT

  • 8/4/2019 Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011





    - -

    MARKING CRITERIA FOR SECTION A - GUIDED WRITlNG BANDDESCRIPTORSBAND MARKS DESCRIPTORS--- IEXCELLENT 25&30 T ask fulfilled w ith idea s a nd deta ils w ell-d ev el op ed and we ll- or ga n is ed I

    I . ' Language is ac cura te w ith few minor e rro rs a ndf ir st d ra f t, 51ips , .. ' V aried sentenc e struc ture are used effec tively toc on ve y m e an in g. V oc ab ulary is apt and w idely used. A c cu ra te us e of m ec ha nic s o f w ritin g In terest of th e rea der is aroused and sustained +

    CREDIT 19,- 24 T ask fu lfille d w ith ide as a nd d eta ils d ev elo pe dand o rg a niz ed . L angua ge is la rgely ac cura te w ith som e seriousa nd m in or e rrors. Sim ple and com pound sentenc e struc ture areaccurate. Voc ab ula ry is w id e en ou gh b ut la ck s, p re cis io n. A lm ost always ac curate use of spelling.

    pun c tu ati on a n d p a ra g ra p hin g.I In terest: of th e rea der is a roused b ut not Isustained.ACHIEVEMENT 13 ~ 18 Task fulfilled w ith ab ility to develop som e ideasb ut la ck s de ta ils : ide as a de qua tely org an ize d. L an gu ag e is s uffic ien tly a cc ura te w ith fi'~ ue nt


  • 8/4/2019 Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011


    s er io us e rr or s. Sim ple and c om pound sentenc e struc tures arei attempted. V oc ab ulary is suffic ient to convey meaning. S om e errors in m ec hanic s ofw riting

    WEAK 7 - 12 Ta sk p ar ti al ly f ulf ill ed with id e-a s l es s deve loped :I de as la c ki ng o rg an iz at io n . L anguage is barely accurate wit h f re qu en ts erio us erro rs th at h am p er rea din g. Vocabulary is limited. S erious errors in m ec han ic s of w riting.VERY WEAK 1- 6 T as k h ard ly fu lfilled : id ea s lack cohesion, H igh density of errors; m eaning is hardlyI


    SE CTIO N B -SUMM :A RYCONTENTS 5 marksLANGUAGE 5 marksCONTENTS1. (He) was speeding ..2 . A lorry ta n into. h is b ik e3 . The m otorc yc list did not stope at th e junction}4 . The lorry sw erved ( to avoid th e m otorc yc le)S . The m otorc yc list w as throw n out( of the b ike)6 . He w as u nc on sc io us7. T he lorry driver go t dow n (to h elp th e m oto rc yc list)8 (Severa] other) passers-by had come to help

    * Words in bracket are optional.Jf content words are taken from the text, the spellingMUST be correct for CONTENT marks to be awarded


  • 8/4/2019 Skema kertas percubaan PMR Terrengganu 2011



    EXCELLENT II S Marked ability to use own words Language is accurate ,:use of simple and compound sentences.appropriate linkers.use correct grammar Accurate spelling and punctuation

    First draft slips No 1ifting of sentences No irrelevant detailsCREDIT 4 Ability to use own words Languageis largely accurate: use of simple and compound sentences I: appropriate linkers: use of correct grammar

    I Spelling and punctuation largely accurate Some minor errors Almost no lifting of sentences No 'i rr el ev a nt detailsACHIEVEMENT 3 Attempts to use own wordsi Language is sufficiently accurateI , : use of simple and compound sentences

    ( majority of simple sentences ): some use of linkers: some serious grammatical errors

    j Some serious errors in spelling and punctuation, Selective: lifting of sentences Some irrelevant detai IsWEAK 2 No attempt to use own words Frequent serious errors in grammar, spellingand punctuation Wholes ale lifting o f te xt m aterial

    I Irrelevant detailsVERY WEAK 1 High density of errors - fractured syntax Total lifting of text material i.e, transcript 'Irrelevant details

    5 ..dg.eom

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    EXCELLENT 9~lt1) R equ ireme nts of ta sk fu lfille d Ideals and detail w ell-developed , w ell-organised w ithevidenc e from tex t Varied sentence struc tures ( sim ple and com pound ) W ide an d a pt v oc ab ula ry A cc urate use of language A cc urate m ec hanic s of w ritingI CREDIT 1-8 r R eq ui reme nts o f ta sk ful fille d Ideas and details largely developed, organized andsupported evidenc e from tex t. . V aried sentenc e struc tures ( sim ple and c om pound)I V oc ab ulary w ide enough L argely ac curate use of language Largely ac curate m ec hanic s of w riting

    r!ACHIEVEMENT 5-6 . ' Re -q uir em e nts o f ta sk n il filled Ideas and details suffic iently developed w ith som eorganization and supported w ith evidence from text. . Sentence struc tures lac k variety ( sim ple and

    compound) A dequa te v oc ab ulary used S uffic ie ntly a cc ur ate lis e o f'la ng ua ge F airly ac curate m ec hanic s of w riting

    WEAK 3-4 R equireme nts of ta sk pa rtially fulfilledi I Ideas lack developm ent and organization w ithI

    m inim al textual support ~ m ere narration Sentenc e struc tures m ostly sim ple w ith errors th ath amp er r ea din g !I Voca b ula ry l im i te d L an gua ge is b arely a cc ura te witt! e rro r th at h am pe r !~ I jreading I Inc onsistent m ec hanic s of writing IERY WEAK 1~2 I R equirem ents of task hardly fulfilled H ardly any developm ent of relevant ideas or tex tualsupport High density of errors; b l urri ng evident, lac kscohesion Voc ab ula ry v ery lim ited" M ec hanic s of w ri ting - num ~rous errors

