Surah Al-Kahf - Ayah 10 (Part 1)

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  • 8/17/2019 Surah Al-Kahf - Ayah 10 (Part 1)


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    © 2015 Bayyinah TV

    2.20 Day 25: Tafsir – Part 20



     – A



    This video discusses the 10th ayah of Surah Kahf.





     ا آ






    Translation of the Ayah

    When the young men turned in refuge toward the cave, then they said Our Master give us a Mercy from Your special

    behalf and furnish for us (mold/transform) given our matter a correct course of action or a correct path.

    This ayah captures the moment at which the dua took place and the fleeing of the people of the cave. And as they are in

    their flight they are turning to Allah in dua.

    Grammar of the Ayah ذ  

     –  Means: when

      Ibn Ashoor

    Considered aإف

     regardless of what comes after it

    o  He argues that “Were they at the time when they turned to refuge, strange?” This is another detail of


     and thus this sentence is connected to the previous ayah. They are grammatically connected

    o  Whenever you see ذ

    , it also implies a

     right before it that isn’t said, and that

     in this case isذأ


    this is a strange explanation usingحف

      – so mention when the youth turned toward the cave

      If this is the grammatical case, then it would be   – it would not be connected to theإف

    previous ayah anymore and it is an expressive way of furthering what is strange about them.

    o  Whichever explanation you take to explain ذ

      – any way you go grammatically the bottom line is that

    Allah is drawing attention to the fact that their story was not the strangest of all of the ayaat of Allah.

    ى أ

      – Means: to turn in refuge

      Aloosi argues that ى  isأ  ofظف  

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    o  The word strange is being further by when they turned

      i.e. Did you find it all that strange at the time that they turned? He is associating this idea with

    the word strange.

    Linguistic Analysis of ى  أ

      First meaning:


     - for things to come together

    o  وأ - joining someone; so the people of the cave will be one with the cave

    o   - When birds are flocking and are on top of each otherوي

      Second meaning:  To give someone refuge out of concern for themاشق

    o  Just like Nuh alayhi alsalam’s sun said he would go up high on a mountain to be protected from the


    o  command form is !  – take refugeوي

      Third meaning: اد  - to return

      Fourth meaning: ه أ  – را - show so-and-so mercy

        – Something that people turn to at any time of the night and day and they return to it over and overوى

    A word that is found throughout the Quran

      Surah Sajda verse 19: أ اآت ا 

    تج  ى 



      The gardens of refuge and that you’ll find safety in – people making it to Jannah and ask

    to reassure themselves that they really are in safety and peace

      Surah Aal-Imran verse 197: ع   ا


     ا س


      On the opposite side it is also used to describe Jahannam and Hellfire

      2 words here are used for sarcasm

    o  Some things they will enjoy in this life, then the place of refuge is Jahannam – 

    but jahannam isn’t a place of refuge 

    o   ا س


      - And what a terrible   -  ا س


     comes from the root word

    mahd, which is a cradle, a mother’s cradle 

      The other thing is that just like a mother holds her baby tight, Jahannam

    will crush its victims tightly  Other verb form

    Surah Duha verse 6:  م ى   كأ    Didn’t Allah find you an orphan and give you shelter? 

      To give shelter out of love and to protect and to give you something to keep going back to

    Surah Anfal verse 72:

    وا وآ


      Those who provided shelter, took people in and aided

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    o  Surah Maarij verse 13: َا  ؤ    On the Day of Judgment, his entire extended family that used to give him shelter and protect



     ا  –  Means: Youth

      Has to do with freshness and newness; it is an age in life where you are renewed



      – the verb – masdar isء

      – to actually reach the prime of your youth and life; to become a young man

    o    – a woman reached the prime of her youthت

      The age between a teenager and a full blown man – late teens and twenties

      A well rounded complete wholesome young man

      If you say    

    you mean a few young men

    o  Saying  means many young menن

      The early part and pleasant part of the day



      – generosity

    a certain age and you start thinking about the world and you don’t just think about yourself; can’t be

    self-absorbed teen age

      Old Arabic expression:  they competed with me in generosity and I outdid them

        – a legal ruling from a Faqihى

      أ  – used in Surah Yusuf when they asked him to interpret their dreams

    o  It is the ability to make sound judgment, a wise interpretation and analyze things properly

      So they are young people that are worthy of being noticed and also their ability to make solid decisions


    Used in the Quran in many places in many of the same contexts

    o  Can also be used to mean a young servant when it’s a إف   – in Surah Yusuf twice





    o  None of you should dare say my slave, , orي أ, slave girl. All of you are slaves of Allah and all of

    your women are slaves of Allah. However, a person should say my young boy, my young man, and not



      It is actually an honor that Allah swt uses the name 3abd.

      This is also a warning to some elements of Arab and Pan-Arab culture where they use the word

    3abd for black people. This is a big violation.

      According to Naisapuri:   – Has the ability and sound judgment to take care of himself and doesn’t depend on

    his parents anymore

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    o  Christian rhetoric was that these people of the cave were boys that were rebelling against their political


    Ibn Kathir’s Thoughts on Youth and Change 

      Allah mentioned that they are young men and they are more willing to accept the truth and more susceptible to

    be guided to the path than older men who refused and withered away in the false religion.

      That’s why the majority of the people that responded to Allah and His Messenger, were young men.


    As for the men of Quraish, the vast majority remained committed to their own religion and very few of themchanged.

    Qurtubi’s Thoughts about Seclusion 

      Categorizes people in 3 categories if they are facing difficult times (fitnah) and they want to be in seclusion

    o  The strongest of those who can bear that lifestyle like the Prophet (pbuh) and the youth honored in the


      He’s referring to the fact that when push came to shove even the Prophet (pbuh) had to be in a

    cave for some time and he was mentally prepared to give everything up to be out there

    completely relying on Allah swt.

    o  People who turned their homes into caves, and that became their place of seclusion

      Like some of the Sahaba, when the murder of Uthman radiyaAllah ‘anhu happened there was so

    much fitnah and blame and rumors that some sahaba decided to stay home and didn’t come out

    until they died because they could not handle the ugliness outside.

    Someone in between the two (absolute seclusion) who can bear to be mixing with the people on the

    streets but is nothing like that when he is on his own and in your solitude you hold yourself to a much

    higher standard.

      Then you have the people that are constantly socializing and have no time for themselves

      Qurtubi praises category 3 and expects most Muslims to be engaged in society but also have to

    find time for themselves

    The Meanings of ب 

    (time stamp 35:00) 


    As a verb it is used when you take care of something or you are committed to something and you allow it toflourish until it becomes comopletely mature

      Fixing something and maintaing something

      Someone who takes care of your decision and takes ccare of your matters and is responsible for it and is

    responsible for the things that you do

      Allah is The Rabb because He fixes the affairs of His creation

      Rabb is not used for anyone other than Allah if it is not a .ف

     andاب . are only for Allahرب

      But you can say 




     (Yusuf talking about the minister).

       - Godly – someone who is conscious of their Rabb all the time

      ن   – godly people, possibly the origin of Rabbi

      ارب   – someone took care of a village then they did ruboobiyya of it

      ر  – I was rabb to someone means I was in charge of them

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     ب   – actually means a land

     ب that keeps getting rained on and keeps getting taken care of and never

    faces drought

    o  That’s why clouds that bring rain are called  رب

      Used for Allah from within the meaning of Rabb

    The One Who grants favors

    The Maintainero


    The One Who ensures growth

    o  The One Who has compelte authority

    o  The One Who guides

    o  The One Gives in great abundance

    The People of the cave turn to Allah and use this word to call upon Him.

      The word Rabb is the essence of the Quran

      What is the summary of the entire Quran?

    o  Accept Allah as  and accept yourself asرب  

      Allah has many names but the name that is the center of our relationship with Him and defines our relationship

    with Him is Rabb. Everything else furthers that relationship

    o  That means you are many things to Allah but the first and foremost you are .

    Yes you’re created but that is not the center of the relationship. That’s one of the facets of it.

      These young men of the cave have accepted Allah as their Rabb (not just His existence). But they accepted that

    He is the One that gives them everything and the one that provides them. They’ve internalized something about

    this concept that we have a hard time internalizing

        - Has to do with softness, compassion, love or connection

      his heart was soft towards someone


    It is a kind of softness or compassion you have towards someone that makes you want to do things for someone

      Rahma versus ni3ma – rahma is an act of love and mercy that is given to the one who needs it. Ni3ma is not

    necessarily given to someone who needs it

      Rahm – closeness of a relationship and is based on the hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)


    That when Allah created the womb of the mother (احم

    ) He said to it, “I am The Rahman and you are

    the rahim (womb). I carved your name out from My Name. And whoever kept your bond, I will keep

    bonded with him. Meaning whoever respects the relationships tied by the womb (siblings, father, and

    mother) and honors them I will keep him connected. And whoever cuts you I will make him completely

    severed [Narrated by Tirmidhi as Sahih and Authentic].  Allah is comparing His name Al-Rahman to the name of the womnb

      The closest picture we will get to Allah’s mercy is inside the womb of a mother 

      Inside the womb, the child is being protected from all sides, its entire world is enveloped

    inside the love and care of this mother.

      The child isn’t even aware of how much the mother loves him.

      The child will get consciousness eventually when they grow up and reciprocate the love

      The first thing the child knows is needs. And the mother hasn’t even seen this child but

    she’s already in love with the child.

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      And the child has done nothing for the mother yet. But everyday goes by and the child

    still demands more and more from the mother and the mother has to go through more

    and more pain. She is constantly increasing in her sacrifice and everytime that increases

    she increases in her love for the child.

      Allah is doing and doing and doing and we are like these infant babies that don’t even

    acknowledge and He does even more and more.

      All the needs of this child are being taken care of by the mother. There is not a thing

    that the rahim (womb) doesn’t cover. His housing, cleansing, feeding, protection. Thechild’s universe is the rahim. Our universe is Al-Rahman. We are enveloped in the

    Rahma of Allah.

      We cannot compare Allah to a mother and a child to a slave

      But we can compare a relationship to a relationship and there we might find some


      Does necessarily mean the elements of the relationship are being compared

      Rahman – something that is descending immediately

      Rahma – is something Allah gives at the right moment right then and there for a specific situation and need

    other than other instances. Meaning Allah’s mercy cannot be compared to each other at the different times that

    it comes down. There is no generic mercy.o  Allah showers His mercy individually per person’s need, per occasion, per instance, per day, per


    ا آ 





      Our Master, Our Rabb gives us from Your special behalf a Rahma

      Look at how they combined two elements: on ethe one hand they are looking to solve their immediate problem

    and on the other hand they are turning to Allah also (  آ


    ) and the next part ( 





    ). They’re being spiritual and pragmatic at the same time

      Using the word Rabb for Allah in the dua they are showing etiquette, love, humility and emotional attachment

    to Allah.

      Al-Shinqeeti about آ 


    o  Give us mercy from You. Rahma in this case includes provision, guidance and protection. 

      Provision because they’re heading to a cave and there won’t be anything to eat 

      Guidance because they need to stay strong and steadfast on their deen 

      Protection because they are going into an unsafe territory and from what they’re running away

    from the torture of their nation 

      Also them asking for forgiveness 

      Ibn Ashoor

    o  Theف 


    in this ayah indicates that the moment they turned to the cave to seek refuge they started off by

    pleading with Allah 

       is used for something immediateف

    o  They asked Allah that He would give them a special Rahma from within His behalf and that is an

    expression that combines the good of this world and the next

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      They’re asking Allah to shower them with favor using His Great Rahma which is in accordance

    with His Generosity in response to following the very deen that He commanded to be followed

      i.e. Oh Allah you are making us follow your deen and you are the only one that can pay

    us for following your deen. The job is great so the benefits should be awesome.

    The addition of the words   actually point to this reality that this is something special and the


     is in the meaning of a mercy that originates only from You.

      Saying this also means they are denying the accusation that they are Christian because

    Christians believe that mercy is from Jesus and that God is Wrathful

     ن  Something that He possesses and something that can only be attributed to Him. This is far more eloquent as

    opposed to them saying just give us rahma because the fact of the matter is all of creation is dependent on the

    rahma of Allah. But they asked for a wholesome and special act of rahma at the very time where the only

    expectation would be its opposite. They are rushing towards death and they are asking Allah for rahma

    They intended by this prayer that they should stay safe in their faith and be able to hold on to it despite

    the terrible challenge ahead and so that they don’t come into contact with different kinds of pain and

    toil because of them being away from civilization and that they don’t get put in a position where the

    enemies of deen get to publically humiliate them and if that were to happen then they would become a

    fitnah and a reason for others to remain kaafir and disbelieving.

    Al Raazi

      Saying  here illustrates the greatness of that incredible mercy and its also befitting the favor of Allahand the vastness of His generosity.

    o  i.e. when they say that they know that Allah’s vaults are vast and enormous 

    Optimism is important

      These guys in the prime of their youth are walking away from everything they know and everything they used to

    do to save their lives. How long did they expect to survive in the cave?o


    But as they are walking they are asking Allah not just to survive but to open His special vaults of Rahma

    for them.

    o  They’re walking away from a king but they know they’re walking towards a better King 

    o  It doesn’t matter what resources you’re walking towards or what difficulty you’re going through but you

    have no doubt at all that the vast treasures are open. It’s just a matter of asking! 

    o  They made one dua and it lasted them longer than a kingdom (300 years almost). Allah is still applying

    their dua in dunya because of that one dua

    o  Optimism is key. Don’t ever underestimate the power of dua, what it can do for you and how it can

    change things around you.