Writing A Literature Review: A Quick Guide

A QUICK GUIDE TO WRITING A LITERATURE REVIEW By Mr. Chuah Kee Man [email protected] Panduan Ringkas Penulisan Tinjauan Literatur

Transcript of Writing A Literature Review: A Quick Guide

Page 1: Writing A Literature Review: A Quick Guide


LITERATURE REVIEWBy Mr. Chuah Kee [email protected]

Panduan Ringkas Penulisan Tinjauan Literatur

Page 2: Writing A Literature Review: A Quick Guide

A literature review involves a

systematic identification of necessary

information related to a research


Literature Review dalam Bahasa Melayu biasanya dikenali sebagai

Sorotan/Tinjauan Literatur. Sorotan ini penting dalam mengenal

pasti maklumat yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan kajian

secara sistematik.


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In a research, literature review is mainly used to:• define the problem that you plan to research further

• reveal gaps in previous research (by reviewing the

findings/theories found)

• show how your study relates to (differs from) previous studies

Tinjauan literatur biasanya dilakukan untuk

• Menjelaskan permasalahan yang anda ingin kaji

• Mendedahkan jurang dalam kajian terdahulu (meninjau

dapatan/theori yang dikenal pasti)

• Menunjukkan persamaan dan kelainan kajian anda daripada

kajian terdahulu


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Ideally, a good literature review should present the frontiers of knowledge in the research area:

• What is known based on previous studies;

• What has yet to be found out or what can be investigated further.

Tinjauan literatur yang baik akan menunjukkan

apa yang telah diketahui dalam kajian lepas

dan apa yang belum dikenal pasti untuk tujuan

kajian seterusnya.

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Writing a literature review is not just about

summarising the articles/books that you have read.

Key Steps:• Focus on Keywords– identify the keywords (including variables) from

your research topic/research problem.

• Search Good Resources – find articles based on the key words by

searching through good resources (databases/ journals). Write down the

reference for the articles used too.

• Extract Key Info – Extract the key information from the resources.

• Compare and Contrast – Critically compare the info that you have

gathered from various articles (analyse and synthesize)

• Link and Justify – Make a link to your research problem and provide

good justifications.


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Tinjauan literatur bukan semata-mata satu rumusan

kepada pembacaan yang telah anda lakukan.

Langkah penting• Fokus Kepada Kata Kunci – kenal pasti kata kunci utama (termasuk

pembolehubah) daripada topic kajian atau permasalahan kajian.

• Cari Sumber Yang Baik – Cari makalah/artikel yang berkaitan dengan

kata kunci utama melalui sumber yang baik (pangkalan data/jurnal).

Catatkan Rujukan bagi sumber yang dikenal pasti juga.

• Esktrak Maklumat Penting – Keluarkan maklumat penting daripada

sumber yang telah dikenal pasti

• Banding dan Analisa – Buat perbandingan dan analisa dengan kritikal

maklumat yang telah diesktrak.

• Buat pertalian dengan kajian anda – hubung-jalinkan dapatan

daripada tinajuan literature dengan kajian anda.


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• definition of concepts, keywords

• different views of the concepts

• relationship of the concept to others




• Findings from related studies

• Comparison of findings

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Get to know the objectives/aims

Related concepts (Not all but the at least the key

variables metioned in the objectives)

Method – Yes! Understand how the previous study

was conducted (e.g. target sample/group, data

collection procedures)

Results (synthesize the key findings especially by

relating to your own research problem, not just the



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Ketahui dengan jelas objektif/tujuan kajian

Konse yang berkaitan (tidak semua, fokus kepada

pembolehubah yang dinyatakan dalam objektif)

Kaedah Kajian – Fahami bagaimana kajian

dijalankan (sampel kajian, kumpulan sasaran,

prosedur pengumpulan data)

Dapatan Kajian (kenal pasti dapatan kajian yang

penting khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kajian

anda – bukan sekadar kesimpulan)


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Sample paragraph of a good literature review 1:

Research has also been done that looks at how the bullies find their victims.

Wegge et al. (2014) studied the perpetrators preferences in victims. The data were

collected via questionnaires and interviews, and a total of 120 bullies were involved as

participants. Wegge et al. (2014) found that 27 percent were in the same grade, 14.2

percent were in different grades and a staggering 49.6 percent were not schoolmates of

the bullies. This evidence somewhat contradicts that of the other studies that state

victims are generally bullied at school and at home. The findings by Wegge et al. clearly

show that nearly half of the bullies prefer to bully people they do not go to school with

and possibly those that they do not know at all. This continues to build and add to the

idea of cyberbullying in that it allows bullies to create their own personas and images in

order to try and intimidate others without actually providing a physical intimidation factor.


Look at how the review is done by covering key information from the study while

critically analysing the findings. Citations are necessary too!

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Sample paragraph of a good literature review 2:

To many, nonverbal communication may take a back seat to verbal communication. It is often

overlooked and may be deemed unimportant. However, this aspect of communication speaks

volumes. Nonverbal communication may consist of looking, smiling, frowning, touching, or

expressions of surprise as seen in Weisfeld and Stack’s research study (2002). Women have

been found to exhibit these forms of communication more often than men. Weisfeld and Stack

studied nonverbal behaviors related to the closeness of a couple through observation and found

that women looked at their partners for a significantly longer amount of time as compared to men.

The average length of a wife’s look was 7.5 seconds while the husband’s was 4.5 seconds.

However, while men express less emotion and nonverbal communication, this may not necessarily

mean that they are not listening when their wives speak to them. Weisfeld and Stack theorized that

men may show less emotion because they have been taught to dampen emotions such as anger.

When a husband and wife have a disagreement, the situation can escalate quickly if the husband

fully expresses his emotions by becoming violent (Weisfeld & Stack, 2002). Therefore, it was

suggested that many men fail to show emotion in general because they have trained themselves to

be “emotionless” in these conflict situations.


Look at how the review is done by covering key information from the study while

critically analysing the findings. Citations are necessary too!

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Sample paragraph of a good literature review 3: (review

multiple studies)

The integration of social media tools in teaching and learning has been widely studied and

experimented particularly in the context of higher education. A survey conducted by Moran, Seaman

and Tinti-Kane (2011) on faculty members in United States, for example, showed that nearly two-

thirds of them have used social media during a class session and more than 30% have posted

content for students to view or read outside class using various social media platforms. In addition,

Roblyer et al. (2010) found that in higher education, students are more positive towards faculty

members who use social media for supporting teaching and learning than those who prefer traditional

technologies. Closer to home, the usage of social media among educators in higher education is

equally encouraging due to the wider accessibility of Internet facilities among undergraduates and

also the on-going national agenda of promoting blended learning, in which lessons are extended

virtually through e-learning platforms (Chuah, 2013).


When you review multiple studies in one paragraph, group them according to key


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Contoh penulisan tinjauan literatur (perbandingan beberapa

kajian lepas dalam 1 perenggan)

Sejajar dengan perkembangan internet, media sosial kini menjadi aplikasi internet yang kian

popular. Media sosial ditakrifkan sebagai sekumpulan aplikasi internet yang dibina berasaskan

ideologi dan teknologi Web 2.0 yang membenarkan penghasilan dan perkongsian bahan-bahan yang

dijana oleh pengguna (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Populariti media sosial banyak bergantung kepada

penglibatan golongan remaja. Wardrip-Fruin dan Montfort (2003) menyatakan bahawa golongan

remaja yang terdedah kepada teknologi maklumat pada usia muda lebih terdorong untuk melibatkan

diri dalam perkongsian maya, khususnya melalui media sosial. Media sosial juga dianggap mampu

membantu pelajar berinteraksi dengan lebih mudah terutamanya dari segi pembelajaran bahasa

(Annand, 2011) dan mendapatkan informasi bermanfaat dalam pelbagai format seperti gambar, video

dan animasi (Azer, 2012). Walau bagaimanapun, Boyd (2010) berpandangan pesimistik terhadap

keberkesanan media sosial dalam penyaluran maklumat secara berkesan. Boyd (2010) berpendapat

bahawa, walaupun media sosial dapat mengumpulkan beribu-ribu maklumat dalam masa yang

singkat, tahap perhatian yang diberikan oleh pengguna adalah sangat rendah, dan kebanyakan

maklumat yang dipaparkan melalui media sosial tidak dibaca langsung oleh pengguna.


Bila anda meninjau beberapa literatur dalam 1 perenggan, gabung-jalinkan info utama

berdasarkan tema/topic kajian.

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Extract the information from the literature first.

Draw a mind map linking all the information that you have


Determine what is related to your research problem and what

is not (if not related, highlight why it is not included as part of

your research or why it is ignored)

Then write the review. The structure usually begins with the

key info from the article, then your brief “analysis” of the key

findings in the article.