Download - by Rahsmariah V. · Astro-Astro ---LogicsLogicsLogics by Rahsmariah V. Bey L I B R A 9-2 3 T A R I E S 3-1 9 R U


AstroAstroAstroAstro----LogicsLogicsLogicsLogics by Rahsmariah V. Bey

LIBRA 9- 23

ARIES 3-19

TAURUS 4 -20



LEO 7-2


VIRGO 8- 23

SCORPIO 10 -23

















Life Endings




10 9 8






















RN 12 -2


PISCES 2- 19





Excerpts from Zodiacal View On You— Volume 1

“How to Interpret Your Natal Chart” by R.V. Bey

Often people associate themselves and others by their Astrology sign or Zodiac sign,

(which is properly their Sun sign.) It indicates where the Sun was on the day they be-

gan their navigation on the earth plane. The ascendant which changes every two hours

on the eastern portion of the earth gave rise to their personality and body form. The

Moon sign was determined by the location of the moon at the moment the fertilizing wa-

ters, caused the walls of the womb to swell and burst, this gave your soul placement on

the physical plane. You began your navigation when you were cut from you mother’s

umbilical cord. (nav-El / navigating of the Els). Additional aspects of you were deter-

mined by the location of the other planets. Where was Mercury?, he imprinted your in-

tellect and reasoning faculties. Mars gave you the dynamics of passion and active ener-

gies. Venus determined what your pleasures and love nature would be. Jupiter decided

how your growth and expansions would unfold. Saturn knew, as the father of the ages,

just where your obstructions needed to be placed for your discipline and the develop-

ment of character. Uranus, knew what changes you needed to encounter, therefore de-

fined your impulses for change. Neptune, knew where your imaginations were hidden,

and offered them back to you so that you could imagine your necessary changes. And

Pluto, knew deep within what your transformation(s) would be and how they would un-


All of the planets were at the scene of your birth, bringing their gifts to bear on you.

And though some of the aspects created may seem to be burdensome, or conflicting, it is

the way you must go, it is the road you must take. It is the blueprint and the master

navigation chart for you. Find out who you are and what your purpose is. Look at the

house your Sun sign was in, it usually determines the department of life you will best

express yourself in.

The most important thing to know is that all of these aspects are determined by your

MOTHER, where she was and what she was thinking, drinking, eating, saying, and do-

ing at the time, not only at your conception and your birth, but throughout her masterful

work of building Solomon’s (soul-of-man’) Temple without sound of “saw or hammer”.

“Know ye not that your bodies are the Temple of the living God”

You are a product of nature and it is imperative, that you begin to live your lives ac-

cording to nature, learn and apply the principles of the Laws of Nature and I guarantee,

all will come unto you.

Your Life Unfolds Just As The SunYour Life Unfolds Just As The SunYour Life Unfolds Just As The SunYour Life Unfolds Just As The Sun Unfolds In Its Cycle Unfolds In Its Cycle Unfolds In Its Cycle Unfolds In Its Cycle

The Sun gives life to all the Seeds that the Cosmic Mother Plants. You

must think of yourself in the same way. Your Seeds are your Thoughts.

Think good Thoughts and watch them Manifest as you tend to your Garden

and apply the Principles of the Laws of Nature.

The Sun’s appearance of rise is on the Ascendant line (Aries) in the North Eastern

Hemisphere of the Earth, where it ushers in Nature’s “New Year”. This is the Spring

Season or ‘Vernal Equinox’, which brings us equal day and night. The Sun then moves

into Taurus where it is fixed or stable in the middle of the Spring Season. From there the

Sun moves into Gemini where it mutates out of the Spring Season, and turns to Cancer

in the North. This is the Summer Solstice where the Sun remains for 3 degrees (days)

and brings the longest day of the year. The Sun is at its highest point in the North and

Summer is initiated. The Sun then moves into Leo where it is fixed and dignified in the

Summer Season. It then moves into Virgo where it begins to mutate out of the Summer


When the Sun turns to Libra, it is on the ‘Descendant Line’ in the West and is begin-

ning its descent into the colder days. Here the Fall or Autumnal Equinox takes place

where once again, we have equal day and equal night. It then moves into Scorpio where

it is fixed in the Fall Season, and on to Sagittarius where it mutates out of the Fall Sea-

son and continues its descent into the darker, colder days. When the Sun moves into

Capricorn, it is at its lowest point in the South, bringing in the Winter Season and the

shortest day of the year. This is the ‘Winter Solstice’ which takes place on December 22.

The Sun remains in this same degree for three (3) days, after which, on December 25th,

it ascends like a ‘New Birth’ or ‘Resurrection’ and continues on its path. The Sun then

moves into Aquarius where it is again fixed in the Winter Season. Then it moves into Pi-

sces where it mutates out of the Winter Season and begins its climb towards ‘Exaltation’

as it comes full circle, back to the ‘Ascendant Line’ and begins a ‘New Year’. This pro-

gression or movement of the Sun brings in once again, the ‘Spring Season’ or ‘Vernal

Equinox’ and a new cycle.

As Above— So Below. It is important to note that the Sun does not move around the

Earth, the Earth moves around the Sun. The aforementioned progression is true as the

Sun reflects upon the Earth. There are many other elements in the Cosmos that have an

affect upon the Earth. When speaking on the Zodiac, we have 9 other planets, 12

Houses and 12 Stellar Lights (called Sun Signs), which shine their “angles of light” and

energy from the Heavens onto the Earth Plane. These ‘angles’ are referred to as, Angels

of Light.

The Zodiac is broken up into three major areas; Houses, Planets and Sun Signs. The

planets move through the 12 Houses giving off certain energies. The 12 Signs move

through those same Houses and they channel the energy of the Planets into certain traits

or characteristics. The Houses that the Planets and Signs are in determine which areas

of life are affected by their influences. The most powerful influences are from 7 Plan-

ets— the 7 Ruling Powers. These seven (7) Ruling Planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mer-

cury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Sun gives you life and determines your character.

Moon determines your emotional self.

Mercury determines your Mind or Intellectual Self.

Venus, your Love nature.

Mars your Energy or Actions.

Jupiter unfolds your Gifts.

Saturn cultivates discipline.

While the 7 Ruling Planets bestow their influences upon you, your individual self or

body and personality is determined by your Ascendant Sign. This is the Sign that is on

the Horizon at the time of one’s birth; hence your Ascension or beginning of travel

through the Zodiac, in the Earth plane. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not left out. They

are higher octaves of Mercury, Venus and Mars, respectively. It seems they give you a

second chance to fine tune yourself before Jupiter bestows your gifts, less Saturn will

make you do it all again until you get it right. Pluto deals the “death - blow”, only to re-


It is said that you will not get out of this Universe until you have passed through the

rings (reigns) of Saturn. Saturn will not let you pass until you have disciplined yourself

properly and know the “Laws of Nature”, as you must take them with you wherever you

go. It has been written that the chosen few are 144,000. This will fall as truth when

each one of us comes back and learns the Lessons of each Sun Sign; thus, (12 x 12 =

144). So don’t fret about your accomplishments or disappointments, you will return un-

til you make yourself ‘Whole’ and you will return to receive your honors, awards and

achievements. All that is in the Cosmos are Lessons in the ‘Laws of Nature’ and we

must learn and know them all. And this is the truth about our Divine Fate.

At this time we are in the age of Aquarius. An age is determined when two ruling

planets meet on their path, they travel together and create a magnanimous magnetic in-

fluence of their traits and attributes and the traits and attributes of the Sun Sign they are

ushering in. An Age occurs every 2,166 years. Aquarius is being ushered in by Uranus

and Saturn. Uranus, who bows down and bends to no one, is asking that we heighten

our Love nature to Altruism, which is Love in a broad spiritual sense for all. Relentless

Saturn, is making a statement that if you do not, you will be severely disciplined. It is

clear we had all buckle down in our instruction because the Rays of Uranus and Saturn

are dynamic. In fact Uranus energy is tearing down institutions. (because that’s what his

electrifying impulses does) He will tear down any institution that is not founded in

Love Truth Peace and Freedom. He is now giving rise to the fall of the Catholic

Churches, and the failure of the Public School systems, the rash of Corporate America,

and the U.S. Democracy. The planets have a karmic duty.

I see the Sun and Moon as Mother and Father. The Sun (Father) sparking life and

the Moon (Mother) giving birth perpetually. I see the Planets as their children dancing

and playing, going to and fro on a course that becomes their very own playground. The

Signs are the stellar lights that shine upon the planets’ arrival as they both (Planets and

Signs), travel in a approved course set by their Parents, in and out of the many Man-

sions in the sky. The entire collective body of entities in the Cosmos are intertwined

and repetitiously demonstrate the Laws of Nature, rigidly planted in Divine Natural

Law and Order .

And so we too are an act of Nature and are definitely affected by the movements of

the Cosmos. These movements create 131,760 Astrological Types and 131,400 varie-

ties of Personalities a year. Which one are you and what Lessons are you here to learn

this time?

Applying Principles of the Laws of Nature; Applying Principles of the Laws of Nature; Applying Principles of the Laws of Nature; Applying Principles of the Laws of Nature; WOMB OF YOUR MINDWOMB OF YOUR MINDWOMB OF YOUR MINDWOMB OF YOUR MIND Development in the Cycle of a Year

If we are a product of nature, then we must start applying the principles of nature to

our lives. Our life is a succession of growth and expansion. Nothing stands still. The

experience of our life ought unfold just as it does in nature. We enter into a realm of

discovery as a result of the planting of seeds, we watch them grow, prune them, reap the

rewards, uproot the weeds, (if not they will choke the root and stifle development.)

Then we begin the process again, planting new seeds. All of these phases are carefully

manifested in a time-frame of “3”. 6, 9, and 12. But you must stick with the ideas,

which are rooted in your thought and you must stay focused on your plan. This is a

blueprint of events, whether it is in 3 seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, or years,

etc.—they all represent degrees of movement.

At the beginning of the year, in the Spring, plant your Seeds. Spring forth that which

is inside you, the new ideas and plans. Plant them firmly, by simply thinking them out.

The thought is the root. You can write them down and read them to yourself as neces-


By the time Summer comes, these ideas will show some manifestation. They must,

all ideas take flight, all thought has weight and here is where they will begin to play

themselves out, they will begin to show their foliage.

By Fall, you will see what needs to be altered, pruned. This is the 180º reflection (6

months later) of your ideas. That which is opposing will be exposed. Assess your plan,

get rid of anything that is not working. This is the season of death and regeneration.

That which needs to be eliminated or adjusted, fine-tuned or disciplined will take place


By the time Winter comes, you will have reaped all there is to have reaped from your

ideas—your crop. Things will be dormant. Yet your ideas will show their usefulness

and ability to maintain during these dormant months. You will be left with the seed-

lings, still in place and they will show their expansion to you by winters end, that which

is sustainable will be fertilized in the winter and will return with the springing forth of

all life (ideas) which have been planted in the womb of your mind.

The cycle begins again, the plant bears its fruits. You will have the space and fertility

to seed again and expand on the fruits of your mind.

All things begin with the Seed—the Thought—Think Well.

By applying the principles of nature, to our lives, we begin to take control and re-

sponsibility of our lives. We claim all things that manifest in our lives.

We blame no one other than ourselves for the lack of our own gardening techniques.

Be careful what you say, it is a thought that has weight, takes up space and will play

itself out. And think not that if you think it, but not speak it, that it does not exist, be-

cause it does.

This is the Order:

First you think it,

Then you speak it (the word)

Then the deed is done.

When you write it, you have

sealed it with a spell (spelling)

(The Seals of Solomon-The Seals of the Soul-of-Man)

And it is surely done with precision.

The power is in your thought—in your mind.

The power is manifested in the word.

The power is sealed in a physical sense with the Pen.

Mind Is Over Matter:

Your Mind is your Haven (Heaven)

You make your own Heaven and / or Hell

right here on Earth or wherever you may be (Being).

The power is the Energies of the All. The Ebb and Flow is the Nature of the Energy:

The negative or receiving (ebb) of taking in, harnessing of; and the Positive (flow) of

Action or putting forth of. The Method(s) are the manner in which you utilize the pow-

erful Energy. 1. Initiating into something new, 2. Immersing in it, or 3. Flexing the en-

ergy in a different direction. The Laws of Nature is the guide to being in harmony with

the Energies that exist all around you. They will continue to exist in spite of you. Make

your life useful and productive, less you will be pruned, uprooted and disposed of—

Your mental faculties will be shut down.