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5. Community Health, Educati on & Livelihood Improvement- CHELI Project

KI Nepal believes that human traffi cking wouldn’t be completely stopped, unti l and unless the social or community transformati ons in terms of social, economic and moral aspects come to the reality. So, CHELI Project has been designed based on the concept of social/community transformati on where the Chelis (women/girls) who are at risk or being traffi cked turned into change agents and lead their communiti es. Organizati on foresees a paradigm shift from a traditi onal way of preventi ng human traffi cking to some new and innovati ve strategies in which every Cheli not only ‘be empowered’ but also works as a ‘change agent’ or lead her community against human traffi cking.

The project aims to organize, sensiti ze, and empower the community people to act against human traffi cking in their communiti es. mmuniti es.

6. Naya Jeevan Project

Nayajeevan projects aims to address the problem of internal human traffi cking parti cularly in entertainment sector in major citi es valley through rescue, rehabilitati on, advocacy and necessary coordinati on with relevant insti tuti ons. The project builds understanding and support for health services and encourages Female Sex Workers (FSWs) to change behavior through improved awareness, and accessible health care services. Such acti viti es are an interacti ve process with communiti es to develop tailored messages and approaches using a variety of communicati on channels to develop positi ve behaviors and maintain appropriate behaviors with alternati ve life.

Contact us

KI NepalJawalakhel, Lalitpur

Ph: +977-1-5533378, +977-1-5001509G.P.O BOX: 7948

E-mail: [email protected]:

Facebook : KI Nepal

8. Working areas

7. KI Nepal Program Chart

Border Surveillance

Cheli Project

Community Awareness

“A Campaign to end Human traffi cking and violence against

women in Nepal”Advocacy

Entrepreneurship Development




Naya Jeevan

Court Representation

Rescue and Rehabilitation

Paralegal Support

Safe Homes

Skill Development Training

Working areas


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Introducti on

Kingdom Investment Nepal (KI Nepal) is a nati onal level not-for-profi t non-governmental organizati on (NGO), established in 2007 in Lalitpur District Administrati on Offi ce, with the aim to end human traffi cking in Nepal by transforming broken individuals and strengthening communiti es, enhancing and ensuring their human rights, justi ce and self-dignity. KI Nepal is all set to transform the lives of broken and rescued young women/girls and their communiti es socially, economically, and spiritually, through rescue and rehabilitati on, counseling, capacity building, empowerment and community reintegrati on. With this strategy, KI Nepal seeks to prioriti ze its programme acti viti es on Preventi on, Protecti on and Prosecuti on along with improving coordinati on, alliance building and advocacy against human traffi cking in Nepal.


A society free from human traffi cking and violence to women and children

Strategic Objecti ves

• Step up preventi on of human traffi cking and violence against women.

• Identi fy women and girls who are traffi cked and at risk of traffi cking, assist in rescue, counsel, rehabilitate, and reintegrate them in the family and society.

• Provide training for skill development, income generati on and educati on to make self-suffi cient the traffi cked girls and women and those who are deprived of basic faciliti es and services and are at risk of traffi cking.

• Support the communiti es' desti tute of basic physical faciliti es and services to reduce the vulnerability of human traffi cking.

• Promote spiritual & moral aspects in the community.

• Enhance networking, coordinati on, collaborati on, alliance building and advocacy amongst stakeholders involved with anti -human traffi cking movements.


To bring positi ve changes on the lives of the girls and women who are traffi cked and are at risk of traffi cking and have poor, economic, social and educati onal status in the society.

Ongoing Programs

1. Border Surveillance

KI Nepal has set up Informati on cum Counseling Booths in all major border points. Well-trained border monitoring staff s are present at each border stati on that keeps an eye on every passerby who is crossing the border. From early in the morning to late night, they conti nuously observe the situati on and off er counseling to any person depending on the need and circumstances.

3. Entrepreneurship/Skill Development Trainings

KI Nepal believes that its services benefi t all people of Nepal, as we contribute to the building of a fairer, more just and compassionate society, but it reintegrates its commitment parti cularly to those who live in poverty, who suff er from oppression or discriminati on, and who are more vulnerable to traffi cking, abuse and exploitati on. KIN's vocati onal center provides various short-term trainings, namely sewing and knitti ng, beauti cian training, hand-embroidery and handicraft making, etc. to enable these girl to generate a sustainable income.

the need and circumstances.

4. Community DevelopmentKI Nepal eff orts extend beyond the fi ght against human traffi cking. It also works to impact social welfare whenever possible. Our social welfare att empts are specially targeted to underprivileged women and women-related issues i.e. drinking water, reproducti ve health, agriculture faciliti es etc.

these girl to generate a sustainable income.

4 C i l


2. Safe Homes/Rehabilitati on Centers

Considering the tremendous need of a safe and secure place for those traffi cking survivors and at-risk community girls, KI Nepal has been running three rehabilitati on centers in diff erent places (including Lalitpur-Hatti ban, Chitwan-Bharatpur and Rupandehi-Butwal) in which girls are staying with full hostel faciliti es. Organizati on off ers them both short-term and long-term care in a safe and loving family environment in these homes. It off ers shelter for longer stays up to nine months for the girls rescued from the border either in transit or returning from the brothels. They are provided with trauma counseling, educati on, medical care, legal att enti on and moral and spiritual guidance. Safe homes are places where the survivors regain their self-esteem and immortal hope for life that helps them to become a change agent in their communiti es.