Download - Koding ASK, FSK, PSK Di Matlab Sesuai Tutorial


8/19/2019 Koding ASK, FSK, PSK Di Matlab Sesuai Tutorial 1/3

koding ASK di matlab sesuai video:

function ASK(g,f)%Modulation ASK%Example:%ASK([1 0 1 1 0],2)if nargin > 2  error('Too many input arguments')elseif nargin==1  f=1;end if f<1;  error('Frequency must be bigger than 1');end t=0:2*pi/99:2*pi;cp=[];sp=[];mod=[];mod1=[];bit=[]; for n=1:length(g);  if g(n)==0;  die=ones(1,100);  se=zeros(1,100);

  else g(n)==1;  die=2*ones(1,100);  se=ones(1,100);  end  c=sin(f*t);  cp=[cp die];  mod=[mod c];  bit=[bit se];endask=cp.*mod;subplot(2,1,1);plot(bit,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;title('Binary Signal');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]);

 subplot(2,1,2);plot(ask,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;title('ASK modulation');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]);

koding FSK di matlab sesuai video:

function FSK(g,f0,f1)%g=baris kode unipolar%f0=jumlah siklus pembawa bit 1

%f1=jumlah siklus pembawa per bit 0%FSK modulation%Example:(f0 and f1 must be integers)%FSK([0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1],1,2)

if nargin > 3  error('Too many input arguments')elseif nargin==1  f0=1;f1=2;elseif nargin==2

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val0=ceil(f0)-(f0);val1=ceil(f1)-(f1);if val0 ~=0 || val1 ~=0;  error('Frequency must be an integer');end

if f0<1 || f1<1;  error('Frequency must be bigger than 1');end


for n=1:length(g);  if g(n)==0;  die=ones(1,100);  c=sin(f0*t);  se=zeros(1,100);  else g(n)==1;

  die=ones(1,100);  c=sin(f1*t);  se=ones(1,100);  end  cp=[cp die];  mod=[mod c];  bit=[bit se];end

fsk=cp.*mod;subplot(2,1,1);plot(bit,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;title('Binary Signal');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]);

subplot(2,1,2);plot(fsk,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;title('FSK modulation');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]);

koding PSK di matlab sesuai video:

function PSK(g,f)%Modulation PSK%Example:

%PSK([1 0 1 1 0],2)if nargin > 2  error('Too many input arguments')elseif nargin==1  f=1;end if f<1;  error('Frequency must be bigger than 1');end

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 t=0:2*pi/99:2*pi;cp=[];sp=[];mod=[];mod1=[];bit=[]; for n=1:length(g);  if g(n)==0;  die=-ones(1,100); %modulasi  se=zeros(1,100); %sinyal  else g(n)==1;  die=ones(1,100); %modulasi  se=ones(1,100); %sinyal  end  c=sin(f*t);  cp=[cp die];  mod=[mod c];  bit=[bit se];endbpsk=cp.*mod;subplot(2,1,1);plot(bit,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;title('Binary Signal');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]); subplot(2,1,2);plot(bpsk,'LineWidth',1.5);grid on;

title('PSK modulation');axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]);

koding di command windows:

ASK([1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1],2)FSK([1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1],2,1)FSK([1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1],2,5)PSK([1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1],2)