
Post on 02-Oct-2015

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2Part 1:2.1 Articles which are for handphones Pros of cell phones in school benefits of phones for students Should children have cell phones at school?2.2 Articles which are against handphones Should students be allowed to bring handphones to school? Yoon Seung Hee, Year 9, Sayfol The disadvantages of letting students use their cell phones at school2.3 Graphic organizer

3Part 2:3.1 Essay on Handphones should be banned in Malaysian Schools




APPRECIATION First of all, l am very glad that l have completed my coursework for English Language Proficiency.

l am very appreciating to my lecturer, Sir Aminnuddin bin Mohd Yusof who has given all of us explanation about the coursework so that we can understand the questions. l am always welcomed to ask my lecturer about the articles. The lecturer gives us a lot of information and help. The information given by Sir Aminnuddin bin Mohd Yusof is clear and in details. All the guidance has been really helpful and useful in aiding me to complete my English coursework. The explanations regarding my assignment have been really clear and they have assisted me a lot in my assignments.

I would also like to thank my other English lecturers for giving me the same assistance. They also give me a lot of guidance to complete my assignment easier. In class, Sir Aminnuddin bin Mohd Yusof had explained each and every questions of my coursework clearly. This has helped me to complete my coursework without further obstacles and obstructions.

I am also very appreciating to my friends who have given me great help. They explain to me when l cannot understand the questions. When l am confused with the theme of the articles, they teach me and explicate to me patiently. They have provided me with constructive suggestions throughout the process. They have helped me and gave me suggestion even though they were busy with their own assignments. Their positive feedbacks and useful suggestions have helped me in finishing my assignments and I appreciate it a lot.

l also want to say Thank You to my parents who have helped me in this coursework. They give me the moral support and guide in finishing my English coursework.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Department of Languages for giving all of us this coursework.

REFLECTION I have encountered a few problems and obstacles, but with the help from my lecturer and my friends, I am able to finish my short coursework. l feel stressed when l do this KKP. It is because I have to rush to do my course work because of the lacking of time. I have to sacrifice my sleeping time and energy. However I learn to organize my time carefully. I do my assignment wherever and whenever I have the time. I take this opportunity to enhance my processing capacities on reading.

I need to choose four articles which consists of two articles for handphones and two articles against handphones. The articles which are chosen need to be about 500 to 700 words. I cannot find the articles from the newspapers. So I search from the internet. From the internet, I find out that there are only a few of choices and most of them are in point forms. After reading the contents of the articles for a long time, I have chosen the four suitable articles.

I am confused with the the main ideas of the articles. However I ask my lecturer and my friends when I have questions about the coursework. After our lecturer explains the meaning, l can understand the terms. My lecturer has given me a lot of useful guidance which aided me in completing my coursework. My friends also have provided me with constructive suggestions throughout the process. I do not face problems in organising the main ideas in a graphic organiser as i have learnt about mind map i think from one of the talks in our ipg.

In order to write my essay, i have gathered the points from the articles. I learn some of the new words in writing my essay. i agree with the title given as in my opinion, handphones bring more harms to the students if they are allowed to bring the devices to the school.

Lastly, I would like to thank my lecturer and my friends again for every help they have provided me throughout this coursework. Without them, completing this coursework would have been much tougher.

ESSAY ON HANDPHONES SHOULD BE BANNED IN MALAYSIAN SCHOOLS Handphone is mans great invention. It has become indispensable gadget, an absolute necessity for both adults and children. This was one of the hot issues that was debated recently and the Minister of Education has finally made the decision not to lift the ban on handphones in schools. In todays technologically advanced society, whether or not to allow the use of handphones in Malaysian schools is not an easy yes-or-no issue. This is the dilemma of the authorities. Every modern gadget has good and bad points. However, in all my opinion is that the fact for handphones have no logic or evidence behind them and so should be dismissed as public hysteria. Handphones should be banned in school as they could bring more harms to the students, both in academic and also to a certain extent, their safety. (Sarawak Teachers Union president William Ghani Bina, 2012) As shown by a research done by, 64% of teens with cell phones have texted in class, and 35% have made or received a call during class. Additionally, 43% of all teens who take their phones to school say they text in class at least once a day or more. So, the handphones are not allowed during the school, because handphones can be a distraction in the classroom. Students will not concentrate on their studies because they will be holding their handphones in their hands. Students whose minds wander during a lecture or discussion may find the temptation of texting instead of listening hard to resist. This will also distract the person they are texting, which is likely to be another student. They are also potentially interrupt a lesson if the student forgets to set their phone to vibrate rather than ring during calls. There will be no way to recover the handphones if lose. It will become a burden to the students to take good care of their things carefully as students need to do their homeworks and involve in indoor and outdoor activities. Obviously, students are not paying attention during the time where they are supposed to be learning. Instead, they are busy taking care of their beloved handphones. The next point is that students will be jealous among themselves as some of them cannot afford to buy handphones. Furthermore students like to compete with their classmates about their latest handphones. Whoever has the most expensive handphone is the winner. Richer students will look down upon those who do not have handphones. The use of handphones in the class will only worsen the relationship between the students in one class. Students are always under pressure to do well in the school. So they will seize the chance to cheat if they are allowed to bring handphones to school. During an exam, students can easily gain internet access through their handphones. Furthermore, they can listen to recorded information or messaging answers to their friends through SMS. Rumors about certain person will also spread faster. There are some cases where students are using their handphones to spread rumors by sending SMS to some friends.The rumors become worsen as it is being spread. The overuse of handphones cause the handphones network to overload. The result is that someone who is in an emergency will not be able to get help in time. In an conclusion, handphones bring more negative and harmful effects. Classrooms are meant for study. There is no logic for allowing phones in classrooms. The students must learn to accord respect and seriousness to important things if they can be made to understand this. The cell phone remains banned during the school hours but can be used once outside. Hence a partial ban would be the right course.

REFERENCEInternetAnthony, Chris. (25 January 2006). Handphones in school. From http://drca.wordpress. com/hand-phones-in-schools/, 26 February 2013Cell phones do more harm than good. (25 May 2010). From /site/cellphonesdomoreharmthangood/cons-of-having-a-cell-phone, 26 February 2013Kristen Poli. (7 June 2008). Should children have cell phones at school? From, 26 February 2013Rebekah Richards. (24 April 2010). Pros of Cell Phones in School Benefits of Phones for Students. From, 26 February 2013The Disadvantages of Letting Students Use Their Cell Phones at School. (5 September 2008). From, 26 February 2013Wee. Should students be allowed to bring handphones to school? Yoon Seung Hee, Year 9, Sayfol. From, 26 February 2013