Penilaian kendiri

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The types of learners we have in our classrooms today, this 21st century we live in, are a

generation that lives in a world of games, images, Internet, animation, and virtual experiences, to say the

least. Hence the importance of incorporating visual literacy and Internet in today’s classroom setting.

Visual literacy refers to the learned ability to interpret visual messages accurately and to create

such message. It can be used to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the

form of an image, extending the meaning of literacy, which commonly signifies interpretation of a written

or printed text. Visual literacy is based on the idea that pictures can be “read” and that meaning can be

communicated through a process of reading.

According to Wikipedia (2011), “Visual literacy is based on the idea that pictures can be ‘read’

and that meaning can be communicated through a process of reading”.

Diagram : The uses of visual literacy

Define visual literacy and identify two general strategies to teach visual literacy.

On the other hand, visual literacy refers to the learned ability to interpret visual messages

accurately and to create such messages. Visual literacy can be defined as the “ability to construct meaning

from visual images (Giorgis, Johnson, Bonoma, Colbert, & al, 1999:146).

Visual literacy can be developed through two major approaches and strategies: helping learners to

decode or read visuals proficiently by practicing visual analysis skills and helping learners to encode or

write visuals to express themselves and communicate with others.


Six types of visuals are

1. Pictures

2. Drawings

3. Charts

4. Graphs

5. Posters

6. Cartoons.


Picture is a visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed, or otherwise rendered on a

flat surface. According to Wikipedia, a picture, also called an image, is a group of coloured points on a

flat surface that looks the same as something else. For example, a picture can look the same as an object

or a person. Pictures can also be drawings, paintings or photographs. People who make such pictures are

Name six types of visuals and the example of each type.

called artists, photographers or painters. Pictures are very helpful. Sometimes people say pictures are

worth a thousand words.

Pictures are photographic representations of people, places and things. They are readily available on

the internet and in books, magazines and newspapers. Examples: Students should understand the textbook

pictures. Teacher should teach skills for decoding textbook and computer pictures and motivate learners

to use them for study purposes.


Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major

forms within the visual arts. Drawing also defined as a form of visual art

that makes of any number of drawing instruments to mark a two-

dimensional medium.

Common instruments include graphite, pencils, pen and ink, inked

brushes, wax colour pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, various kinds

of erasers, markers, styluses, and various metals (such as silverpoint).

Drawings can be found in textbooks and computer-based materials. Teachers can make drawings as

effective aids for learning. Teachers can draw on whiteboard to illustrate specific aspects of their

instruction. However pupils can use such software programs as Photoshop and Paintbrush.


Charts are visual representations of abstract relationships such as chronologies, quantities, and

hierarchies. According Wikipedia, a chart is a graphical representation of data, in which “ the data is

represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart or slices in pie chart. A chart can

represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.

A chart is a useful way to present and display information or instructions, especially in a classroom or

other educational situation. It can range in size from large wall chart to single piece of paper. A chart also

can be defined as a group of related facts presented in the form of a diagram, table, graph, or other

visually organized model. A chart should have a clear, well defined instructional purpose. A well-

designed chart should communicate its message primarily through the visual channel.


Graphs provide a visual representation numerical data. They also illustrate relationships among

units of data and trends over time. Data can be interpreted more quickly in graph form than in tabular

form. Examples: Graphs bar, pictorial, circle and line. Numerous computer software programs such as

Microsoft Excel, make it easy to produce professional-looking graphs. When a person enter the data into

spreadsheet and with just a few clicks of the mouse the software creates the type of graph he or she



Posters incorporate visual

combinations of images, lines, colour and

words. A poster is any piece of

printed paper designed to be attached to

a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters

include both  textual  and  graphic

elements, although a poster may be either

wholly graphical or wholly text.

Posters are designed to be both eye catching

and informative. Posters may be used for many

purposes. Posters can be effective in numerous

learning situations. They can stimulate interest in

a new topic, announce a special event, or

promote social skills.

They may be employed for motivation by attracting pupils to a school recycling meeting or to the media

centre or encouraging them to read more. Teachers can make their own posters with coloured markers,

computer printouts, and devices that print poster-sized pages. They are intended to capture and hold the

viewer’s attention at least long enough to communicate a brief message, usually a persuasive appeal.

Example: Travel agency’s posters to give information about their services.


A cartoon is a form of two-

dimensional illustrated visual art. A drawing depicting a

humorous situation, often accompanied by a caption.

Cartoons are also defined as line drawings that are rough

caricatures of real or frictional people, animals, and events.

They appear in a variety of print media such as

newspapers, periodicals, textbooks and range of comic

strips. Cartoons are easily and quickly read appeal to

children of all ages. An additional options is for pupils to create cartoons with free online software, such

as ToonDoo. The software provides an array of characters, settings, and props for pupils to assemble into

a cartoon that depicts the assigned message.


There are many methods for viewing visuals in the classroom. The first method is presentation

software. Presentation software provides a format for displaying computer-based visuals with a digital

projector. The most widely known is PowerPoint. Another method is digital images. Visuals can be

captures and stored in a digital format by using a digital camera or a scanner. Another method that can be

used is overhead projection. The overhead projection system is still widely used in classrooms because

of its availability, low cost, and ease of use. However, we are steering away from this device. One last

method for viewing visuals in the classroom are printed visuals.

Identify four (4) methods for viewing visuals in the classroom.


Presentation software is a category of application program used to create sequences of words and

pictures that tell a story or help support a speech or public presentation of information. Some very popular

presentation software, such as Microsoft's Powerpoint and Lotus's Freelance Graphics, are sold stand-

alone or can come as part of office-oriented suites or packages of software. Presentation software is a tool

used to create visual presentations.

These presentations are usually delivered in a slide show format, and can be created with a variety of

programs. The programs make it possible to combine text and graphic elements to convey important

information to a group of people all at once. Teachers and pupils can use templates to produce very

professional-looking presentations. Presentation software allows teachers to give handouts for pupils. The

software also allows teachers to create “Note Pages”. by this, pupils take notes on the handouts.


Digital imaging is the art of making digital images – photographs, printed texts, or artwork - through

the use of a digital camera or image machine, or by scanning them as a document. Digital storage

methods include CDs, DVDs, portable storage devices, and computer hard drives. Teachers or pupils can

view images on a computer screen.


An overhead projector is a variant of slide projector that is used to display images to an audience.A

projector capable of projecting enlarged images of written or pictorial material onto a screen or wall from

a transparency placed horizontally below the projector and lighted from

underneath.An overhead projector is a very basic but reliable form of projector. The overhead projector

displays images onto a screen or wall. It consists of a large box containing a cooling fan and an extremely

bright light, with a long arm extended above it. At the end of the arm is a mirror that catches and redirects

the light towards the screen.

An overhead projector can be used to enlarge images onto the screen or wall for audiences to view.

Transparencies can be placed onto the projector to be viewed by both the audience and the speaker.

The overhead projector was once a common feature in classrooms. In the 1950s and 60s, it crossed over

into the classroom as an educational tool.Recently, it has seen a decline in use, as more sophisticated

computer based projectors are favoured.


The simplest use of visuals is in printed form in book, on the wall, or held by the teacher. Printed

visuals are easy to use because they do not require any equipment.


One way to capture an image is through photography. Another method for capturing images is through



Photography is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or

other electromagnetic radiation. Digital cameras convert light energy to digital data, which is stored in a

small digital recorder such as a removable memory card that can hold hundreds of photos. We can view

images immediately and can download images to a computer and store them. These images can also be

modified and edited in certain programs.


A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine pages, and

similar sources for computer editing and display. Scanners come in hand-held, feed-in, and flatbed types

and for scanning black-and-white only or colour. A flatbed scanner looks like the top of a photocopy

machine. Very high resolution scanners are used for scanning for high-resolution printing, but lower

resolution scanners are adequate for capturing images for computer display. Scanners usually come with

software, such as Adobe's Photoshop product, that lets you resize and otherwise modify a captured

image.Scanners usually attach to your personal computer with a Small Computer System Interface

( SCSI ). An application such as PhotoShop uses the TWAIN program to read in the image.

Disuss two (2) methods for capturing images

Scanners work with computer to transfer existing paper based visual images, such as student drawings

or photographs, into digitized computer graphic files.. The user lifts the lid and places the image face

down on the glass surface. Then special software scans the image into the computer for viewing. As with

digital photographs, pupils may quickly incorporate scanned images into a word processing file. They can

enhance or modify them using appropriate software.

hand-held scanner feed-in scanner flatbed scanner


Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (Tenth Edition). Sharon E. Smaldino, Deborah

L. Lowther, James D. Russell.

Learning Live. (n.d.). Literacy Materials: Visual Literacy. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from

Visual literacy. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from

Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Denver, Colorado: Mid-continent

Research for Education and Learning. Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007).