Commercial Law of Malaysia (B.melayu Chapter 1-3)

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  • 8/4/2019 Commercial Law of Malaysia (B.melayu Chapter 1-3)


    Commercial Law of Malaysia








    1 1 Introduction to the Concept and Sources of Law


    2 Offer and Acceptance


    Class Assignment

    3 Offer and Acceptance

    3 4 Consideration2nd

    Class Assignment

    5 Other Essentials of a Contract

    4 6Terms of a Contract

    3rd Class Assignment

    5 7 Terms of a Contract

    6 8 Void, Voidable and Unlawful Contracts

    7 (Mid Term)


    9 Discharge of Contracts

    10 Mid-Term test

    11 Mid-Term break


    12 Sale of Goods

    4th Class Assignment

    13 Sale of Goods

    10 14Sale of Goods

    5th Class Assignment

    11 15 Revision

    12 16 Revision

    13 17 Final Examination

    14 18 & 19 Term Beak


    TEXTBOOK Beatrix Vohrah and Wu Min Aun, The Commercial

    Law of Malaysia, Longman Malaysia Sdn Bhd

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    Public Law Private Law (also known as Civil Law)

    Constitutional Law

    defines the structure of government andthe rights of individuals under thatgovernment.

    Administrative Law

    regulates the duties and exercise ofpowers by administrative authorities.

    Criminal Law

    concerns acts which are offences againstthe State will be punished if found guilty.

    Legal action is normally undertaken atthe initiative of the individual.

    The party commencing an action isreferred to as plaintiff and the other

    party being sued is defendant.

    Undang-undang Awam Undang-undang Swasta (dikenali juga

    sebagai undang-undang sivil)

    Undang-undang persekutuan

    Menentukan struktur sesuatu kerajaandan hak individu di dalam pemerintahan

    kerajaan tersebut.

    Undang-undang pentadbiran

    Melaksanakan tugas-tugas yangmelibatkan pihak2 berkuasa terutamanya

    yang terlibat di dalam pentadbiran


    Undang-undang jenayah

    Bertanggungjawab di atas segala salahlaku terhadap Negara dan apa sahaja

    kelakuan yang dianggap merosakkan


    Undang-undang ini akan berkuatkuasasekiranya ada inisiatif dari satu pihak itu

    untuk membawa kes ke mahkamah.

    Pihak yang membawa kes ke mahkamahdipanggil plaintiffdan pihak yang

    didakwa adalah defendant.

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    1. Federal Constitution Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the land so that, any general law

    that is inconsistent with the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,


    It establishes a constitutional monarchy and a federal system of government. Federal Constitution also provides that Islam be the religion of the federation

    but guarantees the freedom of religion

    Perlembagaan Persekutuan

    Perlembagaan persekutuan adalah undang-undang yang paling berkuasa(supreme law) di Malaysia. Sekiranya ada undang-undang yang ingin digubal

    tidak selari dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, maka undang-undang

    tersebut dianggap tidak sah.

    Ia menyatakan Malaysia mengamalkan kerajaan Beraja (Raja / Sultan ketuaNegara).

    Perlembagaan juga telah menetapkan bahawa Islam adalah agama rasmi diMalaysia, tetapi setiap rakyat Malaysia diberikan kebebasan beragama.

    2. State Constitution All thirteen States comprising the federation have individual constitutions in

    each state.

    In the nine former Malay States of the peninsula, each State is headed byhereditary constitutional ruler called Sultan except in Negeri Sembilan and

    Perlis where the ruler is known as Yang di-Pertuan Besar and Raja


    Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak do not have rulers but Governorsappointed. They are now referred to as Yang di-Pertua Negeri

    The government is headed by a Chief Minister (Menteri Besar).

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    Perlembagaan Negeri

    Semua 13 negeri di Malaysia mempunyai perlembagaan negeri masing-masing.

    Sesetengah negeri diketuai oleh pemerintah negeri iaitu Sultan. Di NegeriSembilan dan Perlis, pemerintahnya dikenali sebagai Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

    Setiap negeri diketuai oleh Menteri Besar

    3. Legislation (Statute Law) Legislation refers to laws made by a person or body which has the power to

    make law.

    In Malaysia, both Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies posses authorityto enact laws in their respective areas.

    Laws made by a Parliament extent throughout the country while laws made byState Assembly can only apply to that State.

    Some nomenclature normally used are;

    i. ActFederal law made by Parliament. (Those made between 1946and 10

    thSeptember 1959 are called Ordinances)

    ii. EnactmentA State law made by a State Legislative Assembly(Laws made in Sarawak are called Ordinances)

    iii. OrdinanceLaw made by the King (Yang di-Pertuan Agong) duringa proclamation of an Emergency when Parliament is not sitting


    Legislation is most productive source of law. Each time a legislatureconvenes, old laws are amended or repealed altogether and new laws are


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    Legislation (Statute Law)

    Legislation merupakan undang-undang yang dibuat oleh pihak @ badan yangberkuasa di Malaysia.

    Di Malaysia, Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri merupakan pihak yangmempunyai kuasa untuk menentukan undang-undang.

    Undang-undang yang dibuatdi Parlimen haruslah dipatuhi oleh semuapenduduk Malaysia. Manakala, Undang-undang yang dibuatdi Dewan

    Undangan Negeri hanya perlu dipatuhi oleh rakyat negeri tersebut sahaja.

    Antara terma-terma yang sentiasa digunakan adalah:-i. Akta (Act) - Undang-undang yang dibuat di Parlimen

    ii. Enakmen (Enactment) - Undang-undang yang dibuat di DewanUndangan Negeri

    iii. Ordinan (Ordinance) - Undang-undang yang dibuat oleh Rajaketika darurat dan parlimen tidak dapat

    berjalan lancar.

    4. Subsidiary Legislation Also known as subordinate legislation or delegated legislation. They are rules and regulations enacted by an authority under powers conferred

    on it by a statute.

    There are federal subsidiary legislation and state subsidiary legislation.

    Subsidiary Legislation

    Juga dikenali sebagai anak kepada legislation. Peraturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak yang berkuasa

    5. Common Law (Judge-made laws) Common Law refers to law laid down by judges sitting in the Superior Courts. This system of developing law was inherited from the English. Although legislation is now widely accepted as the primary source of law,

    important areas of the law such as tort are still built on judge-made laws.

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    Common Law (Judge-made laws)

    Undang-undang common law adalah undang-undang yang dibuat oleh hakimdi Mahkamah Superior (Federal Court, Court of Appeal and High Court)

    Undang-undang ini diwarisi dari English

    Sekiranya hakim mendapati kes yang diadili tidak pernah terjadi, maka hakimakan membuat keputusan sendiri dalam mengendalikan kes tersebut. Tetapi

    hakim perlu melihat merujuk kepada kes-kes yang sebelumnya.

    6. English Law Malaysia adopted English law so far as they were suitable to local conditions.

    Undang-undang Inggeris

    Malaysia menggunapakai undang-undang Inggeris tetapi Malaysia memastikan

    undang-undang tersebut bersesuaian dengan keadaan tempatan. Contoh, jika

    undang-undang diluar Negara membenarkan rakyatnya yang gay berkahwin,

    undang-undang tersebut tidak digunapakai di Malaysia.

    7. Islamic Law Islamic Law applicable only to Muslims and administered in the Syariah

    Courts. Except for the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, the

    power to administer Islamic law is primarily that of the States.

    Syariah Court is a state court established by state law whereas the ordinarycivil courts are federal courts.

    Clause (1A) of article 121 of the Federal Constitution states that the civilcourts shall have no jurisdiction in respect of any matter within the

    jurisdiction in proceedings of the Syariah courts.

    Undang-undang Islam

    Undang-undang Islam hanya boleh dikuatkuasakan kepada orang Muslimsahaja dan kes selalunya dibicarakan di Mahkamah Syariah.

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    8. Native Law Native law is personal law applicable to the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Natives are the indigenous people of these two States.

    The Native Court is a state court peculiar only to those two States.

    Native Law

    Undang-undang persendirian yang hanya digunapakai oleh natives Sabah &Sarawak.

    Native adalah orang asal kedua-dua negeri.

    Figure 2: Diagram above illustrates the court system.

    High Courts of Malaya and Sabah & Sarawak, the Court of Appeal and theFederal Court are superior courts.

    The Sessions Court and the Magistrates Court are subordinate courts with limitedjurisdiction.

    High Court has unlimited jurisdiction so that matters that cannot be dealt with inthe subordinate courts may be tried in the High Court.

    Federal Court

    Court of Appeal

    High Court of Malaya High Court of Sabah

    & Sarawak

    Sessions Court

    Magistrates Appeal

    Sessions Court

    Magistrates Appeal

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    Appeals from decisions of the Session Court and Magistrates Court are heard inHigh Court and from there to the appeal courts. The Federal Court is the final

    court of appeal.

    From 1978, appeals on criminal and constitutional matters were no longer allowedand from 1985, civil matters were included.

    Court System

    Di Malaysia, ada tiga jenis mahkamah yang digelarsuperior court. Superiorcourt termasuklah Federal Court (Mahkamah Persekutuan), Court of Appeal

    (Mahkamah Rayuan) dan High Court (Mahkamah Tinggi)

    Session Court (Mahkamah seksyen) dan Magistrate Appeal (MahkamahMajestret) termasuk didalam subordinate court.

    Mahkamah Tinggi tidak ada limit dalam mengendalikan kes (unlimitedjurisdiction). Mana-mana kes yang tidak dapat diselesaikan di mahkamah

    seksyen akan dibawa ke mahkamah tinggi.

    Subordinate court pula ada limit tertentu dalam mengendalikan kes. Kes-kesbesar tidak boleh diadili di subordinate court (Mahkamah Seksyen & Mahkamah

    magistrate) kerana ada limitnya.

    Sekiranya seseorang itu didapati bersalah di mahkamah seksyen, dia bolehmembuat rayuan sehingga peringkat Mahkamah Rayuan (Court of Appeal).

    Apabila keputusan telah dibuat oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan (Federal court),

    tiada lagi rayuan boleh dibuat kerana keputusan di Mahkamah Persekutuan

    adalah muktamad

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    How Malaysian Laws are Made?

    In Malaysia, there are the lower house known as the Dewan Rakyat or House of

    Representatives and the upper house as the Dewan Negara or Senate. The parliaments will

    exercise its power to make laws by the passing of Bills in both houses. A Bill may originate

    in either of the House.

    The House which a Bill is originated shall send it to the other House, once the Bill has been

    passed. After the other Houses pass the Bill, it must then be presented to the Yang Di Pertuan

    Agong for his assent under the Article 66(3) of the Federal Constitution. A Bill goes through

    several stages of Reading in both the Houses of Parliament.

    First Stage readingonly the long title will be read Second Stage readingthe contents of the bill are debated at length and discussed by all

    members of the House.

    The Bill goes through a committee stage Finally the bill is returned to the House for its Third Reading. Again is a formality.

    Under the Article 66(4) of the Federal Constitution, the Yang di Pertuan Agong must assent

    to the bill by causing the Public Seal to be affixed thereto. This must be done within 30 days

    from the date a Bill is being presented to him. A Bill assented by the Yang di Pertuan shall

    become law and published under the Article 66(5) of the Federal Constitution.

    Bagaimana Undang-undang dibuat di Malaysia

    Di Malaysia, terdapat Dewan Rakyat Dan Dewan Negara. Undang-undang selalunya dibuat

    melalui kedua-dua Dewan tersebut.

    Dewan yang mencadangkan usul akan di hantar ke Dewan yang lain. Selepas mendapat

    perkenan oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong Sultan, usul itu akan dibincangkan dan melalui proses

    yang berperingkat di mana beberapa kali bacaan dijalankan. Setelah ahli dewan bersetuju

    dengan usul tersebut, maka Yang Dipertuan Agong Sultan mesti meluluskan usul tersebut

    dalam masa 30 hari dari tarikh usul itu diserahkan kepadanya. Usul yang telah dipersetujui

    dan diseal akan menjadi undang-undang dan dikuatkuasakan.

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    Topic 2: Offer and Acceptance

    The law of contract is found in case law and several statutes. The principal statute dealing

    with contracts is the Contracts Act 1950 (Revised 1974) which is a re-enactment of the

    Contract (Malay State) Ordinance 1950 previously applicable of the nine Malay State. The

    Revised Act is now applicable throughout Malaysia. Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak

    were governed by English contract law so far as it was suited to local conditions.

    Undang-undang kontrak di Malaysia dikaitkan dengan Akta Kontrak 1950 kerana akta

    tersebut digunapakai secara menyeleruhuh di kebanyakkann negeri di Malaysia.

    The word contract in a legal sense refers to an agreement between two or more parties that

    is legally binding between them; in the words of section 2(h)of the Contract Act, it is an

    agreement enforceable by law. The term contract includes both a sale and agreement to sell.

    There are no formalities required at common law that a contract should be in particular form.

    Dari segi undang-undang, kontrak adalah satu perjanjian antara dua atau lebih pihak

    dimana kedua-dua pihak tersebut akan terikat secara sah dari sisi undang-undang. Sec 2 (h)

    di dalam Akta Kontrak menyatakan kontrak adalah perjanjian yang dikuatkuasakan oleh


    All contracts must be built upon an agreement, (setiap kontrak perlu adaperjanjian)

    Not all agreements are automatically contract. (lack of essential elements)(tidak semua perjanjian itu adalah kontrak terutamanya apabila salah satu

    element di bawah tidak dipenuhi)

    The essential elements in contract are;

    1. Proposal (offer) and acceptance (Tawaran dan Penerimaan)2. Consideration (Pertimbangan / give and take)3. Intention to create legal relations (Niat untuk membawa urusan secara sah di sisi


    4. Certainty (Pasti atau jelas)5. Legal Capacity (kelayakan dari sisi undang-undang)

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    6. Free consent (persetujuan bersama)7. Legality of the objects (objek yang sah disisi undang-undang)8. Required formalities (perlu ada formalities seperti dokumen/video/etc)

    Section 10(1), lays down several of the above elements when it states that an agreement must

    be made by the free consent of parties competency to contract for a lawful consideration and

    with a lawful object.

    Sec 10(1) menyatakan perjanjian itu dibuat berdasarkan persetujuan bersama dari kedua-

    dua belah pihak dan mengambil kira pertimbangan yang sah dan melibatkan objek yang

    dikira sah di sisi undang-undang.


    An agreement between two or more parties is constituted by a proposal and an acceptance of

    it. A proposal is made when one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain

    from doing anything, with a view to obtaining assent of that other to such act. Thus by

    offering to buy Bs car for $10,000 in the hope that B will accept, is making a proposal.

    According to section 2(b), when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent

    thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. Upon such acceptance by B, an agreement

    between the parties is created. The party making the proposal is referred to as promisor and

    the party accepting the proposal known as promisee.

    Perjanjian yang dibuat oleh 2 atau lebih pihak dibuat melalui adanya tawaran dan

    penerimaan. Tawaran dibuat apabila seseorang itu menyatakan keinginannya untuk

    membuat sesuatu dengan harapan orang yang ditawarkan itu menerima tawarannya.

    (contoh: A nak jual kereta pada B dengan harga RM10,000 dan harap B akan beli kereta

    tersebut dengan harga yang ditawarkan. A sedang membuat tawaran.

    Sec 2(b)menyatakan; apabila orang yang ditawarkan itu menyatakan persetujuannya ke atas

    tawaran yang diberikan, maka tawaran itu dianggap diterima. (contoh; apabila B kata dia

    setuju dengan harga yang ditawarkan oleh A dan ingin membeli kereta tersebut, maka B

    sedang menerima tawaran tersebut.

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    Issue to be decided in Tan Geok Khoon & Gerard Francis Robless v. Paya Terubong Estate

    Sdn Bhd (1988) 2 MLJ 672 was whether a counter offer from the defendant relating to the

    sales of a parcel of land had been accepted by a deceased so that a contract was concluded.

    The plaintiffs were trustees of the deceased and claimed that through a series of

    correspondences made between the deceased and the defendant, a contract was concluded.

    Edgar Joseph Jr. J. agreed that there was a contract between them, the deceased having

    accepted a counter-contract between them, the deceased having accepted a counter-offer from

    the defendant and paid the balance of the price. He also found that defendant did accept the

    payment and issued a receipt on its note paper signed by one of its directors acknowledge the


    Counter offer is an offer made in response to a previous offer. It rejects the prior offers.

    Invitation to Treat

    A proposal must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. Invitation to treat is not a

    proposal but a sort of preliminary communication which passes between the parties at the

    stage negotiation such as price list, display goods with price tags, self-service supermarket,

    and advertisement or auctioneer inviting bids for a particular article. If an auctioneer is

    considered making a proposal, when inviting bids, then when a bidder makes a bid, he is

    accepting the proposal and an agreement comes into being at that stage.

    (Proposal) Tawaran perlulah dibezakan dengan invitation to treat (jemputan untuk membuat

    tawaran). Kedua-dua perkara ini sangat berbeza. Invitation to treat atau jemputan untuk

    membuat tawaran adalah salah satu cara komunikasi permulaan. Contoh invitation to treat

    adala; tawaran untuk sambung belajar di Cosmopoint yang dipaparkan di akhbar-akhbar

    tempatan. Di dalam iklan tersebut, telah dinyatakan kepada sesiapa yang berminat boleh

    datang ke Cosmopoint utk membuat permohonan kemasukan sebagai pelajar. Iklan tersebut

    hanya menjemput orang-orang yang berminat untuk membuat permohonan. Apabila

    seseorang itu menghantar borang permohonannya ke Cosmopoint, orang itulah yang

    membuat tawaran (menawarkan diri untuk memasuki Cosmopoint). Pihak Cosmopoint akan

    meneliti borang permohonan dan kemudian akan menerima orang tersebut sebagai pelajar

    Cosmopoint apabila syarat-syarat asas dipenuhi ketika permohonan dibuat.

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    Sekiranya iklan itu dianggap tawaran, maka setiap orang yang datang memohon masuk ke

    Cosmopoint akan diterima walaupun dia tidak layak belajar di Cosmopoint memandangkan

    dia tidak mendapat 3 kredit dalam SPM.

    Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemist Ltd (1953) 1 QB 401

    The defendants were charged under Pharmacy and Poison Act (1933 (U.K) which provided

    that it was unlawful to sell certain poisons unless such sale was supervised by a registered

    pharmacist. The cases depended on whether a sale had occurred in the self-service shop when

    a customer selected items which he desired to purchase and placed them in a wired basket.

    Payment was to be made at the exit where a cashier was stationed and in every case involving

    drugs, a pharmacist supervised the transaction and was authorized to prevent a sale. The

    Court ruled that the display was only an invitation to treat. A proposal to buy was made when

    the customer placed the articles in the basket. Hence, the contract of sales would only be

    made at the cashiers desk. Therefore, the shop owners had not made an unlawful sale.

    If selecting an item from the shelf is constitute a sale, ownership will have to pass to the

    customer at the point of selection even though he or she has no paid for it and the customer

    would not be able to changes his or her mind about the purchase.

    To Whom Can a Proposal By Made

    A proposal can either be made to a particular person or to the general public. Where it is

    made to particular person, it appears that only the addressee may accept the proposal. On the

    other hand, where it is made to the general public, then anyone who meets all the terms of the

    proposal may accept.

    Tawaran boleh dibuat kepada individu tertentu atau secara keseluruhan. (contoh; A boleh

    menjual kereta kepada B (particular person) atau A boleh menjual kerata itu kepada sesiapa

    sahaja (general public) yang berminat.

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    Communication of Proposal

    A corollary to the rule that only an addressee may accept the proposal is principle of

    communication of the proposal. According to Section 2(a), unless there is communication of

    the proposal, there can be no acceptance to form an agreement. A party accepting a proposal

    must be aware of its existence. For example, a party who casually returns a lost of property to

    its owner cannot legally claim a reward if he is unaware of it at the time but subsequently

    discovers the existence of an offer of reward for its return.

    Prinsip utama dalam penawaran adalah tawaran tersebut perlu diberitahu kepada pihak

    tertentu. Dalam Sec 2(a), tidak akan ada sebarang penerimaan melainkan tawaran itu

    diberitahu. Maksudnya, seseorang itu tidak boleh menerima sesuatu tawaran sekiranya dia

    tidak tahu pun mengenai tawaran tersebut. (contoh; jika A tidak memberitahu kepada B

    bahawa dia ingin menjual keretanya, maka B pasti tidak boleh menerima tawaran tersebut

    kerana dia tidak tahu)

    Counter-Proposal and Acceptance

    The acceptance must be made on exactly the same terms as proposed without modifications

    or variations. In other words, acceptance must be absolute as provided in section 7(a).

    Any modification or variation of the proposal does not constitute an acceptance but amounts

    to a counter-proposal by the party to whom the original proposal was made.

    A counter-proposal is treated as a rejection of the original proposal. However, further

    communication between the parties subsequent to the original proposal is permissible.

    Penerimaan mestilah menerima apa yang ditawarkan tanpa ada sebarang perubahan. Dalam

    Sec 7(a), penerimaan mesti sama seperti yang ditawarkan.

    Sebarang perubahan di dalam penerimaan tidak dianggap penerimaan tetapi dianggap

    Counter Proposal / counter Offer (Tawaran semula).

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    Tawaran semula ini menolak tawaran asal yang dibuat. Maka komunikasi antara dua pihak

    perlu dilanjutkan sekiranya masih ingin berurusan.

    (contoh counter proposal / tawaran semula; A ingin menjual keretanya dengan harga

    RM10,000 kepada B (proposal). Jika B menerima tawaran itu dan bersetuju untuk membeli

    kereta A dengan harga RM10,000, maka itu dinamakan penerimaan (acceptance).

    Tetapi, jika B ingin membeli kereta tersebut tetapi dengan harga RM8,000, maka B dikatakan

    sedang membuat counter proposal /tawaran semula kepada A. B tidak menerima tawaran A

    malah B cuba untuk mendapatkan harga 8,000 utk membeli kereta A.

    In the case ofHyde v Wrench (1840) 3 Beav. 334, the defendants offered to sell his estate to

    the plaintiff on June 6 for 1,000 pounds. On June 8 in reply, the plaintiff made a counter-

    proposal to purchase at 950 pounds. When the defendant refused to accept this proposal on

    June 27, the plaintiff wrote again purportedly accepting the original proposal. The Court

    ruled that no acceptance had occurred because the plaintiffs letter of June 8 had rejected the

    original proposal which could not be revived.

    Communication of Acceptance

    General rule of acceptance of proposal must be communicated to the proposer for there to

    be a binding contract between the parties. It is necessary that the proposer act within a

    reasonable time after the communication of the acceptance. If the does nothing, he would be

    deemed to have accepted.

    Prinsip asas dalam penerimaan juga adalah penerimaan itu perlu dikomunikasikan kepada

    pembuat tawaran. Penting bagi si penerima bertindak seperti yang sepatutnya apabila sudah

    memberitahu kepada si pembuat tawaran yang dia menerima tawaran tersebut. (contoh; jika

    B ingin membeli kereta A dengan harga yang ditetapkan (RM10,000), maka B perlu

    memberitahu kepada A bahawa dia terima tawaran A dan seterusnya, B perlu bertindak iaitu

    dengan memasukkan duit sebanyak RM10,000 ke dalam akaun A untuk menunjukkan dia

    serius untuk membeli kereta tersebut.)

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    To the general rule that acceptance must be communicated, there are a number of exceptions;

    1. Proposer has dispensed with the need for it2. Proposer allows the party to whom the proposal is made to perform the condition of

    proposal. (acceptance taking the form of performance of an act stated in the proposal)

    3. The proposer allows the acceptance of any consideration for reciprocal promisewhich may be offered with a proposal.

    Dalam prinsip asas penerimaan, komunikasi sangat diperlukan tetapi ada beberapa


    1. Apabila pembuat tawaran itu kata xperlu komunikasi (A anggap B mmg akan terima,so dia tidak mengharapkan B bagitahu secara formal)

    2. Apabila pembuat tawaran itu membenarkan si penerima tawaran membuat sesuatumenandakan dia terima. (A cakap kat B, dia akan anggap B terima tawaran dia jika B

    tidak menolak tawaran itu dalam masa 3 hari)

    3. Apabila pembuat tawaran membenarkan cara lain selain komunikasi sebagai tandapenerimaan. (A cakap kat B, tidak perlu bagitahu pada A sekiranya B setuju untuk

    beli kereta tersebut tetapi cukuplah jika B memasukkan duit RM10,000 ke dalam

    akaun A sebagai tanda terima.

    In the case ofCarlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co., the defendants challenge the plaintiff would

    have notified them of her acceptance of their proposal. This argument was rejected by the

    court. It held that performance was sufficient to constitute acceptance if that was the intention

    of the proposer.

    Positive Act of Acceptance

    While communication of an acceptance may be waived, it will still be necessary for the

    addressee to do something positive to accept such as actual performance of the conditions of

    the proposal or express his acceptance in an acceptable manner.

    Apabila seseorang itu telah menerima tawaran dari si pembuat tawaran, maka sangat

    penting bagi penerima tawaran itu membuat tindakan selanjutnya. Contoh; B ingin beli

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    Contoh: Sekiranya urusan penawaran dan penerimaan ini dilakukan secara pos, keadaan

    akan berbeza dengan urusan biasa. Apabila B telah menghantar surat penerimaan kepada A,

    maka perjanjian itu dianggap lengkap (walaupun surat penerimaan itu belum sampai kepada

    A). Walaubagaimanapun, B masih boleh membatalkan penerimaan tawaran tersebut selagi

    surat penerimaan itu belum sampai kepada A.

    Dalam penerimaan melalui Pos, ada sedikit berat sebelah berlaku kerana undang-undang

    lebih menyebelahi si penerima tawaran (Acceptor) daripada si pembuat tawaran (Promisor)

    Revocation of Proposal

    A proposal, once communicated, remains open until it lapses or is withdrawn. Section 5(1) of

    the Act provides;

    A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is

    complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards.

    Tawaran, setelah dikomunikasi kekal dibuka sehingga masa yang ditetapkan. Sec 5(1)

    menyatakan, tawaran boleh dibatalkansebelum proses penerimaan dianggap lengkap dan

    bukan selepas proses itu lengkap.

    Section 6 states that a proposal is revoked:

    i. by the communication ofnotice of revocation by the proposer to the other partyii. by the lapse of the time prescribed in the proposal for its acceptance, or by the lapse of

    a reasonable time, without communication of the acceptance

    iii. by the failure of the acceptor to fulfill a condition precedent to acceptanceiv. by the death or mental disorder of the proposer, if the fact of his death or mental

    disorder comes to the knowledge of the acceptor before acceptance.

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    Sec 6 menyatakan, tawaran boleh dibatalkan melalui

    i. notis pemberitahuan oleh proposer (pembuat tawaran)ii. tamat tarikh (contoh A memberi masa 2 minggu utk B membuat keputusan samada

    menerima atau tidak tawarannya. Selepas 2 minggu, tawaran boleh dibatalkan

    kerana sudah tamat tarikh.

    iii. kegagalan penerima memenuhi syarat (contoh, B bersetuju untuk membeli keretaA tetapi dia masih gagal untuk memasukkan duit RM10,000 ke dalam akaun A

    dalam masa yang ditetapkan. A boleh membatalkan tawaran kepada B)

    iv. kematian atau masalah mental yang dihadapi proposer (pembuat tawaran).Tawaran boleh dibatalkan jika si pembuat tawaran itu mati atau ada masalah


    Under subsection (a), the revocation of the proposal must be communicated by the proposer

    to the other party before it accepts. In the event of acceptance by post, withdrawal of the

    proposal must necessarily be communicated by the proposer to the offeree before such

    posting or delivery.

    Dalam situasi pos, pembatalan tawaran mesti dibuat oleh pembuat tawaran sebelum si

    penerima menghantar surat penerimaannya.

    Revocation of Acceptance

    According to subsection (2) of section 5 states;

    An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of the acceptance is

    complete as against the acceptor, but not afterwards.

    Sec 5(2) penerimaan boleh dibatalkan bila-bila masa selagi proses penerimaan tidak lengkap


    A proposes by a letter sent by post, to sell his house to B

    B accepts the proposal by letter sent by post

    B may revoke his acceptance at any time before or at the moment when

    the letter communicating it reaches A, but not afterwards.

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    Contoh: B setuju nak beli rumah A dan menghantar surat penerimaan kepada A.

    Walaubagaimanapun, B masih boleh membatalkan penerimaan tawaran tersebut selagi surat

    itu belum diterima oleh A.

    Proposal and Option

    A proposer who promises to keep a proposal for a period of time may withdraw it at any time

    before acceptance, subject to the rule that such revocation must be communicated to the


    However, if consideration such as small sum of money is given to the proposer to keep the

    proposal open for the duration of time stated, the promise as to the time becomes binding.

    This is sometimes known as an option.

    Proposer (pembuat tawaran) yang berjanji untuk menunggu jawapan dari acceptor /offeree

    (penerima tawaran) masih boleh membatalkan tawaran pada bila-bila masa.

    Tetapi, sekiranya di dalam perjanjian tersebut, proposer diberi duit (seperti duit deposit)

    daripada acceptor / offeree, maka wajiblah si proposer menunggu jawapan dari acceptor

    seperti yang dijanjikan kerana telah melibatkan duit (duit deposit/booking)

    Types of Proposal and Acceptance

    Proposal Acceptance

    Communication of Proposal Communication of Acceptance

    Counter-Proposal Counter-Acceptance

    Revocation of Proposal Acceptance through Post

    Proposal and Option Positive Act of Acceptance

    Revocation of Acceptance

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    Topic 3: Consideration

    Section 26 provides that an agreement made without consideration is void

    Section 26 menyatakan perjanjian tanpa pertimbangan dianggap tidak sah.

    Section 2(d) defined Consideration as when, at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or

    any other person has done or abstained from doing, or does or abstains from doing, or

    promises to do or to abstain from doing, something, such act or abstinence or promise is

    called a consideration of the promise;

    Sec 2(d) menyatakan apabila orang yang ditawarkan (acceptor) atau orang lain telah

    melakukan atau tidak melakukan, sedang melakukan atau tidak melakukan, @ berjanji utk

    melakukan atau berjanji utk tidak melakukan sesuatu yang dikatakan oleh pembuat tawaran

    (promisor), maka orang itu di anggap sebagai melakukan pertimbangan (give and take)

    Maksud Sec 2(d) ini adalah, jika A (promisor) kata dia akan jual kepada B (acceptor)

    keretanya dengan harga RM10,000 maka B perlulah melakukan apa yang A nak (contohnya

    memasukkan duit ke dalam akaun A sebanyak RM10,000) kerana ini dianggap pertimbangan

    atau give and take.

    A akan bagi (give) kereta kepada B, jadi dia perlu dapat (take) duit daripada B.

    B akan bagi duit (give) kepada A, dan dia akan dapat (take) kereta daripada A.

    Consideration may be viewed as a sort of bargain, a quid pro quo or the price which one party

    pays to buy the promise or act of the other.

    Pertimbangan dianggap sebagai salah satu cara rundingan di mana satu pihak perlu

    membayar kepada pihak yang lain untuk mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan.

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    Executory, Executed and Past Consideration

    Consideration may be classified as executory executed or past.

    i) ExecutoryConsideration is executory when one promise made in return for a promise.

    (Eg. A promise to sell pen for RM4 to B, B promise to pay in 2 days)

    ii) ExecutedConsideration is executed when promise is made in return for the performance of

    an act.

    (Eg. A promise to sell pen for RM3 to B if B complete the puzzle given by A)

    iii) Past ConsiderationWhen a promise is made after and in return for an act that has already been

    performed, the promise is made on account of past consideration.

    (Eg. A go to the market and ask B to take care of his house, after he come back

    from the market, B already cooked for As child. A promise to pay B because of

    Bs kindheartedness)

    Pertimbangan boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai executory, executed or past.

    i) ExecutoryApabila satu pihak itu membuat janji utk membalas janji yang lain. (contoh; A

    janji nk jual pen harga RM4 pada B, dan B balas dengan berjanji pada A dia

    akan bayar dalam masa 2 hari)

    ii) ExecutedApabila satu pihak itu menyatakan janji akan dikotakan apabila pihak yang lain

    telah melaksanakan apa yang sepatutnya. (contoh; A kata pada B; dia akan

    menjual RM3 pada B sekiranya B berjaya menjawab soalan teka teki. Maka janji

    itu hanya akan dikotakan sekiranya B berjaya menjawab soalan tersebut.)

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    iii) Past ConsiderationApabila satu pihak itu membuat janji selepas sesuatu tindakan telah dilakukan

    oleh pihak yang satu lagi. (A pergi ke pasar dan suruh B tengok-tengokkan

    rumahnya. Apabila balik dari pasar, A tengok B telah memasak untuk anak-anak

    A secara sukarela.. Maka A pun berjanji kepada B untuk membalas jasa baik B

    dengan memberi sesuatu.

    Exception to The General Rules

    According to the general rules stated in Sec 26, agreement without consideration is void.

    However, there are exception of this general rules.

    i) An agreement on account of natural love and affectionii) An agreement to compensate a past voluntary actiii) An agreement to compensate for an act which the promisor was legally

    compellable to do

    iv) An agreement to pay a statute-barred debts

    Mengikut Sec 26, perjanjian tanpa pertimbangan tidak sah tetapi ada pengecualian.

    i) Perjanjian yang melibatkan ikatan kasih sayang atau kekeluargaanii) Perjanjian utk membalas tindakan sukarelaiii) Perjanjian utk membalas tindakan yang sepatutnya promisor itu lakukan dari segi


    iv) Perjanjian utk membayar hutang lapuk (cth: hutang muflis)

    Rules relating to consideration

    i) Consideration must be sufficientThe performance of existing duty does not usually provide valid consideration.

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    ii) Consideration need not be adequateIt is up to the parties involved to decide the terms of their contract. The court will

    not intervene to require equality in the value exchanged as long as the agreement

    has been freely entered into.

    iii) Consideration need not come / move from the promiseeA party to an agreement can enforce a promise even though he has given no

    consideration, so long as somebody else has done so. (C promise to pay A

    RM1,000 if B repair his house. B repairs Cs house and C does not pay A

    anything. Although A has not given any consideration for Cs Promise, he may

    sue C on the promise because consideration has moved from B)

    Peraturan yang dikaitkan dengan pertimbangan

    i) Pertimbangan mestilah berpatutan(cth; seseorang itu tidak boleh minta pertimbangan dari majikannya utk

    membayar gaji lebih kepadanya apabila dia melaksanakan kerja yang sepatutnya

    dia buat. Dia hanya layak meminta pertimbangan utk dibayar gaji lebih jika dia

    buat kerja orang lain seperti yang diarahkan oleh majikan).

    ii) Pertimbangan tidak perlu cukup(cth; dalam mahkamah pun, tidak boleh pertikaikan persetujuan yang dibuat oleh

    kedua-dua belah pihak walaupun nampak seperti tidak logik. Andaikan A ingin

    membeli HP nokia 3310 dengan harga RM10 daripada B dan B setuju utk jual

    dengan harga RM10, maka mahkamah tidak ada hak untuk menyatakan perkara

    itu tidak adil kerana telah dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua belah pihak)

    iii) Pertimbangan tidak perlu datang dari promisee (penerima tawaran)(cth; andaikata A suruh B buat rumah utknya dan berjanji akan bayar RM13,000

    kepada B. B mengupah C untuk membuat rumah A. A tidak boleh pertikaikan

    kenapa B yang tidak buat rumah tersebut sedangkan dia sudah bayar pada B

    bukan C. Dalam hal ini, tidak kiralah siapa yang buat rumah tersebut asalkan B

    telah pastikan rumah itu dibuat seperti yang dijanjikan kepada A. B ada hak upah
