Pendahuluan belum revisi

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  • 8/11/2019 Pendahuluan belum revisi


    Eye doctors around the world frequently examine people for a chief complaint of floaters.

    Patients describe a wide variety of symptoms, usually worsened by bright lighting conditions.

    The vast majority of patients with eye floaters have a benign condition known as vitreous

    syneresis in which portions of the normally clear and transparent vitreous jelly inside the eye

    becomes less transparent. arely, eye floaters may be associated with significant ocular disease,

    including vitreousbleedingor hemorrhage, retinal detachment, severe ocular injury, or diabetic

    retinopathy. !nly a qualified eye doctor can determine whether or not the symptom of eye

    floaters represents a serious ocular condition.

    Para dokter mata di seluruh dunia sering mendapatkan pasiennya dengan keluhan utama berupa

    floaters. Pasien menggambarkanfloaters dengan gejala yang bermacam " macam, biasanyamemburuk bila terpapar dengan cahaya yang terang.Floaters umumnya terjadi karena

    pengendapan dari jaringan kolagen di badan vitreous dan merupakan proses degenerasi.

    #ebagian besar pasien denganfloaters memiliki kondisi yang dikenal sebagai vitreous syneresis

    atau kondisi badan vitreous mengerut secara alamiah dan sebagian dari cairannya terperas keluar. $ondisi ini mengakibatkan badan vitreous yang awalnya jernih menjadi keruh.Floaters

    dapat disebabkan oleh hal lain walaupun hanya sebagian kecil, seperti perdarahan vitreous,

    ablasio retina, trauma okuli, atau retinopati diabetikum.

    #ometimes people see small, moving spots or specks in their field of vision. These sensations are

    called floaters. %bout & out of '( people experience floaters at some point during their lives.#ometimes flashes of light, or flashes, are experienced with floaters. )loaters and flashes are

    very common and are usually not a sign of a dangerous medical condition. *owever, if both

    floaters and flashes begin suddenly, it may indicate a more serious eye problem, such as a retinal

    tear or retinal detachment. This reference summary explains what floaters and flashes are, theirsymptoms, causes, and when they may indicate a more serious medical condition. The tutorial

    also covers diagnosis, treatment, and self+care for floaters and flashes.

    Pasien kadang " kadang sering mengeluhkanfloaters sebagai bintik " bintik atau titik yangbergerak yang mengambang di depan mata. )loaters, jika terjadi dalam waktu yang lama atau

    meningkat secara perlahan, biasanya tidak berbahaya. ikafloaters terjadi secara tiba " tiba,

    kondisi tersebut harus dicurigai berupa gejala dari ablasio retina.

    The vitreous humor, or simply vitreous, is the clear, gel-like

    substance that flls the cavity in the interior o the eyeball. It is

    made up mainly o water and 1% fne, collagen fbers. In a normal,

    healthy state, the vitreous has a sti, !elly-like te"ture and is

    attached frmly to the retina. #ost o the causes o eye $oaters that

    we know today begin with the degeneration o the vitreous. elow

    is the top 1& list o what causes eye $oaters.
  • 8/11/2019 Pendahuluan belum revisi


    *umor vitreous adalah -at seperti gel yang mengisi rongga dalam bola mata. itreous sebagian

    besar berisi air dan '/ jaringan ikat kolagen. 0ormalnya, vitreous kaku, memiliki tekstur seperti

    gel yang melekat kuat pada retina. 1anyak kasus floaters merupakan proses degenerasi atau

    sineresis vitreous.

    2yodesopsia3also spelled as myiodeopsia, myiodesopsia, and myodeopsia4 is the medical termfor describing the perception of eye floaters. These are particles of various si-es and shapes that

    occur the eye5s vitreous humor, the solution that maintains the eyeball5s shape. 6n medical

    literature, eye floaters are sometimes referred to as muscae volitantes or mouches volantes.

    Floaters disebut juga myodesopsia, dikenal juga sebagai myiodeopsia, myiosedopsia, atau

    myodeopsia. Pada beberapa literatur, floaters disebut juga muscuae volitantes atau mouches


    Prevalensifloaters terjadi pada dewasa tua. $ondisi ini disebabkan karena bertambahnya umur,

    humor vitreous mulai terjadi degenerasi bentuk dan mulai berkurang kejernihannya. 6ni

    disebabkan karena akumulasi protein dan debris selular.

    2yodesopsia is fairly common, and is more prevalent in older adults. This is because with

    advancing age, the vitreous humor 3which is perfectly transparent during youth4, starts losing its

    shape, fluidity and clarity. Proteins may aggregate together, and cellular debris may accumulate.

    This gives rise to myodesopsia, and people describe their symptoms as dots, lines or specks of

    dust in their field of vision. The perception of eye floaters is stronger when looking at bright


    The causes of myodesopsia are many, but probably the most common is a natural change in the

    consistency and shape of the vitreous humor that occurs with age. %s the consistency changes,

    the proteins may precipitate out of solution, thereby becoming visible to the person. 6n addition,

    as the vitreous humour loses it s shape, it may detach itself from the posterior part of the eye.

    7uring detachment, impulses from the retina may cause the person to see flashes of light,

    formally referred to as photopsia. The vitreous humour5s posterior detachment may also cause

    part of the retina to be torn 3uncommon4, causing blood to leak into the vitreous and the person

    will see a sudden appearance of dark dots. 2yodesopsia can also occur as a side effect of certainmedications 3such as drugs used to treat ocular herpes4 and as a complication of eye infections.

    Penyebab floaters banyak, umumnya disebabkan karena proses perubahan konsistensi dan

    bentuk dari humor vitreous yang disertai dengan bertambahnya umur. #eiring konsistensi

    berubah, protein mengendap, sehingga gumpalan ini menjadi sesuatu yang mengambang di

    depan mata sesuai yang dikeluhkan pasien. Tambahannya lagi, selama vitreous kehilangan
  • 8/11/2019 Pendahuluan belum revisi


    bentuknya, vitreous juga terlepas dari bagian posterior mata. #elama pelepasan, impuls dari

    retina dapat menyebabkan seseorang melihat kilatan cahaya, yang dikenal sebagai photopsia.

    Posterior vitreous detachment dapat juga menyebabkan retina terlepas, yang dapat menyebabkan

    perdarahan ke dalam vitreous dan menyebabkan pandangan menjadi terhalang bintik gelap.

    Floaters dapat juga terjadi akibat iatrogenic, seperti penggunaan obat herpes okuli san

    komplikasi dari infeksi.

    People who develop myodesopsia should consult with a doctor or an ophthalmologist. This is

    mainly to ensure that the perception of eye floaters is not due to a serious underlying condition

    such as a retinal tear 3which can lead to blindness if untreated4.

    8nfortunately there is no medication that can treat eye floaters and the only medical option is

    surgery. This can be of two types9 laser vitreolysis and vitrectomy. :aser vitreolysis uses an

    ophthalmic laser 3known as a ;%< laser4 to break up each individual floater. *owever, this

    procedure can be risky, is not always effective, and is performed only by a few specialists. !nthe other hand, vitrectomy involves draining off the vitreous humor 3and the floaters in it4 and

    substituting it with a saline solution. This procedure is generally successful but complications

    can occur. These include retinal detachment, cataracts, and optic nerve damage.

    #ayangnya, sampai saat ini belum ada terapi medikasi dalam menangani floaters selain tindakan

    bedah. %da dua tipe pembedahan9 laser vitreolisis dan vitrektomi. :aser vitreolisis menggunakan

    laser ophtalmicum yang dikenal sebagai ;%< laser. 1agaimanapun juga, prosedur ini sangat

    berisiko dan tidak selalu efektif. 7i sisi lain, vitrektomi melibatkan pengaliran humor vitreous

    dan menggantinya dengan larutansaline. Prosedur ini biasanya berhasil, tetapi komplikasi dapat

    terjadi, seperti ablasio retina, katarak, dan kerusakan nervus optikus.