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Menulis Jurnal RefleksiDalam Penyelidikan Tindikan

19 April 2006

Cititel Hotel, Pulau Pinang

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Isi Kandungan

• Apakah Jurnal Refleksi?

• 2 Jenis Refleksi

• Proses Refleksi

• Menulis Refleksi

• Aktiviti 1 – Menulis jurnal refleksi

• Berkongsi Refleksi dengan Rakan Sejawat

• Aktiviti II – Pair n Share, Stand n Share

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Shulman (1987) mendefinisikan refleksi sebagai satu fasa di mana guru meninjau semula pengajarannya di dalam bilik darjah dalam aspek:

• Pembelajaran daripada pengalaman• Proses yang dipandukan oleh data yang ada

Refleksilah yang membenarkan anda belajar daripada pengalaman anda: ianya suatu penilaian dari tahap mana anda bermula sehingga ke tahap mana anda akan capai

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Reflection is what allows us to learn from our experiences: it is an assessment of where we have been and where we want to go next.

~ Kenneth Wolf Refleksilah yang membenarkan anda belajar

daripada pengalaman anda: ianya suatu penilaian dari tahap mana anda bermula sehingga ke tahap mana anda akan capai

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Jurnal Reflektif

Jurnal reflektif merupakan instrumen mendokumentasikan – amalan secara reflektif – Pemikiran tindak susulan amalan– Pemikiran menanyakan dan mencabar status

quo dan meneroka idea-idea

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Kenapa Menulis Jurnal?

• Penulisan jurnal adalah dekat sekali ke “natural speech, and writing can flow without self-consciousness or inhibition”. (Schneider,1994)

• Ia mendedahkan proses-proses pemikiran dan tabiat mental• Ia membantu ingatan• Ia memberi satu konteks untuk “healing” dan

perkembangan • Ia merupakan satu saluran untuk mengamalkan penulisan

harian tanpa sekatan bentuk, “audience” dan penilaian (Sommer 1989)

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Why keep journals?

• Journal writing is closest to natural speech, and writing can flow without self-consciousness or inhibition. (Schneider,1994)

• It reveals thought processes and mental habits, it aids memory, and it provides a context for healing and growth.

• Journals are a safe place to practice writing daily without the restrictions of form, audience, and evaluation (Sommer 1989)

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RefleksiMengenal pasti aspek amalan


Tindakan / Implementasi

Pengumpulan Data

Refleksi• Menganalisis dan menilai• Membuat refleksi mengenai keberkesanan tindakan berdasarkan data yang dikumpul

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Mengenal pasti Masalah, Isu/ Situasi

Tinjauan Awal /

Mengutip dan menganalisis data tinjauan awal









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Two sorts of Reflection

There are two sorts of reflection:

• Reflection-in-action

• Reflection-on-action (Schon 1987).

Terdapat dua jenis refleksi:

• refleksi sewaktu bertindak

• Refleksi mengenai tindakan

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• Reflection-in-action is when you are working, and being aware of what you are doing at the same time.

• Refleksi sewaktu bertindak berlaku semasa anda bertugas, dan anda menyedari perlakuan anda sewaktu itu

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This is the way any confident, experienced practitioner works:

• Thinking one step ahead (oh good, if that's happened the next thing is to... )

• Being critical (no, not there, try just here); •Storing experience for the future (I could have said that better - next time...)

•Analysing (she's saying that to test me out - better respond cautiously here)

•and so on

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“They were too nice to tell me to go away, I think. Should I leave? I felt guilty about leaving, so I hanged around – who knows, I might be needed for some clarifications?…”

- Goh (2000)

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There is a hawk in your mind, hovering over your every action,

its sharp eyes missing nothing. But that hawk can only :

• See things from one point of view: your own.

• Offer split-second reflection - because of necessity you move onto the next action, and the next thought.

So - here comes the value of:

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is what we usually mean when we refer to reflective practice. This is the reflecting you do after the event: thinking through, and often discussing the incident with a colleague or supervisor. To an extent we all do it - whether formally at work, or informally over coffee / beer either with colleagues or friends / family.

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Menulis Refleksi mengenai tindakan

• Boleh berlaku secara formal sewaktu kerja, atau secara tidak formal sewaktu makan/minum dengan rakan atau dengan keluarga.

•Merujuk kepada amalan reflektif.

•Membuat refleksi selepas peristiwa dan mendokumentasikannya: berfikir, menilai, membincang dengan rakan sejawat atau staf kanan

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“Selepas menjalankan kajian tindakan ini saya dapati kaedah pengajaran koperatif ini amat sesuai dan memberikan kesan yang baik kepada para pelajar…..saya sudah bersedia dan tahu apa yang perlu saya buat untuk menggalakkan mereka, menggerakkan mereka agar mereka berusaha dan tidak terus menerus mengharapkan rakan-rakan untuk meniru sahaja…

- Rosmah Onong, (2000).

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Pre-requisites for Reflective Practitioners

∗ Respect and have faith in yourself. ∗ Trust the reflective process. ∗ Uncertainty is vital for learning and

change to take place. So: ∗ Enjoy it. Give yourself the gift of some reflective space. ∗ Don't expect answers; but questions leading to yet more dynamic questions.

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The Reflection Process

• Becoming a reflective practitioner requires time, practice, and an environment supportive to the development and organization of the reflection process. This is a highly individualized process and the candidate should find the structure and method of reflection that best suits him or her.

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The Reflection Process

When∗During lesson/experience* Immediately after the lesson/

experience∗ At the end of the school day∗ During my planning period∗ First thing in the morning∗ Wednesday during my lunch period∗ Tuesday while my students are in


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The Reflection Process

Where• In my room• In my office• In the library• At home• In the shower• In the car as I commute to and from work

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The Reflection Process

How∗ On the computer∗ Sticky notes on the lesson/artifact∗ Reflection sheets attached to the

evidence∗ Reflective journaling∗ Verbal reflection on the video∗ Audio tapes∗ On a Dictaphone

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The process provided a focus with my teaching; it made me

constantly question what I was challenging my students with and

why I was doing it.~ Novice Teacher

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Writing a ReflectionSelect (memileh):

What evidence/artifacts have

you included?

Eg. Student work (hasil kerja pelajar)

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Writing a ReflectionDescribe (menghuraikan):

This step involves a description of the circumstances, situation or issues related to the evidence or artifact. Four "W" questions are usually addressed:

• Who was involved? (eg. Pelajar)• What were the circumstances, concerns, or issues? (penggunaan

suatu strategi yang baru)• When did the event occur? (sewaktu

pelajaran)• Where did the event occur? (kelas,

makmal, bilik teknologi, etc)

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…cabaran mengajar mata pelajaran matematik bagi tajuk-tajuk mudah yang masih belum dikuasai oleh murid, khasnya tajuk membundarkan nombor bulat kepada ratus, ribu,dan puluh ribu. Prestasi ujian mereka masih rendah…

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…cabaran mengajar mata pelajaran matematik bagi tajuk-tajuk mudah yang masih belum dikuasai oleh murid, khasnya tajuk membundarkan nombor bulat kepada ratus, ribu,dan puluh ribu. Prestasi ujian mereka masih rendah…





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…cabaran mengajar mata pelajaran matematik bagi tajuk-tajuk mudah yang masih belum dikuasai oleh murid, khasnya tajuk membundarkan nombor bulat kepada ratus, ribu,dan puluh ribu. Prestasi ujian mereka masih rendah…





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Writing a Reflection

• Analyze (menganalisa):This step involves "digging deeper." The "Why" of the evidence or artifact and the "How" of its relationship to your teaching practice should be addressed.

• Eg. Hasil projek yang melampau ekspektasi kerana strategi yang berkesan..)

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“Apabila saya mendapati objektif pengajaran masih belum tercapai sepenuhnya, saya merasa sungguh bersalah kerana masih ada murid yang belum boleh menguasai kemahiran tersebut. Perkara ini seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa saya sendiri tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya sepenuhnya semasa berada di bilik darjah.”

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Writing a Reflection

• Appraise (menilai kendiri):In the previous three steps, you have described and analyzed an experience, a piece of evidence, or an activity. The actual self-assessment occurs at this stage as you interpret the activity or evidence and evaluate its appropriateness and impact.

(eg. menilai tindakan strategi anda dan mendatang kepada satu kesimpulan..)

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“Perkara ini seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa saya sendiri tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya sepenuhnya semasa berada di bilik darjah. Mungkin saya boleh mengaplikasikan kaedah atau teknik yang baru untuk lebih memudahkan pengajaran sub-topik tersebut. Saya juga mungkin boleh mengambilkira teknik pengajaran guru-guru matematik yang lain sekiranya boleh diaplikasikan di bilik darjah secara berkesan. ”

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Writing a Reflection

• Transform:This step holds the greatest opportunity for growth as you use the insights gained from reflection in improving and transforming your practice.

(eg. Terangkan bagaimana pengalaman ini telah memberi manfaat kepada anda, help you to grow professionally in certain aspects, changed your thinking, perceptions, etc)

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The reflections helped me to see that I actually was making a

difference, even though it didn’t always seem like it.

~ Novice Teacher

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Tips for Journal Writing

• Forget about grammar, syntax, spelling - for now. They block the inspirational flow. Correct them later.

• Jangan peduli nahu, sintaks, ejaan dulu. Anda boleh membuat pembetulan kemudian

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Tips for Journal Writing • Try not to censor reactions, emotional

responses, feelings. • elakkan menyekat reaksi, balasan emosi dan

perasaan• Refrain from judgements at this stage.• Pada peringkat ini, elakkan dari membuat

penilaian • Be as creative in your understanding of what

constituted vital in your choice of time when..., and in your understanding of learned - there are many many ways to learn. Remember this writing is for you. You need not share it with anyone.... Bersikap kreatif

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Writing a Reflective Splurge

• When you have finished your first draft, reread all (including the six minutes scribble) you have written with attention: for content rather than form. Be open to perceiving divergent connections - things previously perceived as separate, or inappropriate together. Be open to such underlying links and to fresh understandings and awarenesses. Jot notes in the margins etc..

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Tips For Journal Writing

• Selepas anda selesai menulis draf pertama, baca semula dengan teliti penulisan anda – fokus kepada kandungan

• Bersikap terbuka kepada divergent connections - things previously perceived as separate, or inappropriate together. Be open to such underlying links and to fresh understandings and awarenesses. Jot notes in the margins etc..

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Tips for Journal Writing

• Fill out the narrative. Check the observation is sufficiently detailed - remember you have five senses - smells and sounds as well as what things looked like can give vital clues. You may want to tell about time of year, discomforts, intuitions, exactly what people said... . Everything that occurs to you is significant.

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Aktiviti I: Menulis refleksi anda (15 minit)

• Rujuk kepada buku “Garis Panduan Kursus Penyelidikan Tindakan” (BPG, 2001), ms. 91.

• Peserta diminta membuat refleksi terhadap proses penyelidikan tindakan yang dilalui dalam kursus ini.

• Refleksi dibuat berdasarkan aspek-aspek dalam borang seperti yang terdapat pada ms. 91

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Aktiviti I: Menulis refleksi awal (15 minit)

Anda sudah menentukan fokus kajian. Tulis jurnal refleksi beberapa perkara penting yang perlu difikirkan, seperti:

• cabaran atau permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam bilik darjah,

• punca-punca terjadinya masalah tersebut, • perasaan mereka terhadap masalah tersebut, • cadangan untuk mengatasinya dan tindakan segera

yang patut diambil oleh mereka. • Lain-lain isu yang relevan.

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Refleksi awal

1. Masalah yang dihadapi Cabaran mengajar mata pelajaran matematik bagi tajuk-tajuk mudah yang masih belum dikuasai oleh murid, khasnya tajuk membundarkan nombor bulat kepada ratus, ribu,dan puluh ribu. Prestasi ujian mereka masih rendah

2. Punca terjadinya masalah: Puas juga saya mencari kelemahan pengajaran saya, mungkin pengajaran saya tidak berkesan, atau saya tidak berpandukan buku panduan guru untuk mengajar sub-topik tersebut. Mungkin juga ini disebabkan oleh kelemahan murid yang tidak memberikan tumpuan semasa saya mengajar. Walau bagaimanapun saya masih gagal untuk mencapai objektif saya agar semua murid boleh menguasai kemahiran tersebut.

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3. Perasaan terhadap masalah: Apabila saya mendapati objektif pengajaran masih belum tercapai sepenuhnya, saya merasa sungguh bersalah kerana masih ada murid yang belum boleh menguasai kemahiran tersebut. Perkara ini seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa saya sendiri tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya sepenuhnya semasa berada di bilik darjah.

4. Cadangan untuk mengatasi masalah: Mungkin saya boleh mengaplikasikan kaedah atau teknik yang baru untuk lebih memudahkan pengajaran sub-topik tersebut. Saya juga mungkin boleh mengambilkira teknik pengajaran guru-guru matematik yang lain sekiranya boleh diaplikasikan di bilik darjah secara berkesan.

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5. Tindakan segera yang boleh diambil: Saya akan mencuba teknik permainan matematik yang baru ini pada minggu hadapan. Jika teknik ini berkesan, saya akan mencadangkan kepada ketua panitia matematik.

• (Sumber: Ronny Yunus, SK Kiawayan, Tambunan, Sabah: Kursus Kajian Tindakan Zon Sabah, Julai, 2001).

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How to Start WritingBegin by allowing the pen/cil to cover the pages on its own:2. choose a comfortable uninterrupted place and time, and

writing material you like 3. make sure you have everything you need to hand - like coffee 4. write whatever is in your head, uncensored 5. don't think about what you are writing, it will probably be

disconnected and might seem to be rubbish - but don't stop to think or be critical!

6. allow it to flow with no reference to spelling, grammar, proper form.

7. give yourself permission to say anything, whatever it is.8. You don't even have to reread it. Whatever you write it can't

be the wrong thing - because no-one will read your writing in this form.

9. time yourself to write without stopping for about six minutes

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• allow your writing to be purposeless. You may find a subject emerges you wish to pursue for longer. If so - follow the vein - whatever it is, and the same way of writing, for about twenty minutes.

• Now you no longer have a blank sheet or screen in front of you. You may have written quite a lot by now, or only a little seeming rubbish.

• Don't worry: the six minutes writing sometimes turns up gold, sometimes dross. It is always useful, however, for beginning to scratch the surface.

• As you write in this next way, try and remind yourself this is the first draft only, so it doesn't matter what you say - because you can redraft it - no-one else need read it. What matters is capturing those ideas.

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Tulislah refleksi anda!

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Sharing your Writing with a Peer Your writing has the power to influence

another, and them you.

Penulisan anda dapat mempengaruhi orang-orang lain, dan mereka pula boleh mempengaruhi anda

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A peer's thoughts on your reflective writing can open up fresh avenues of thought. They will be able to help you see aspects, which even the illuminating process of writing hadn't highlighted. They will also support you towards deeper levels of reflection, as well as to see your account in a wider context.

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Here are some guidelines to the reader and the writer:

• Be kind and supportive! Not negative! • Read and comment on the writing, rather

than the person who has written it. • Any written or oral discussion should be

confidential to the parties involved, unless they specifically decide otherwise.

• Don't apologise for your writing - you are all in the same position - it can become like a competition - who can apologise the most convincingly!

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Aktiviti II: Pair n Share, Stand n Share (20 minit)

• Bekerja secara pasangan

• Berkongsi penulisan refleksi anda dengan rakan (5 minit)

• Beberapa peserta secara sukarela akan berkongsi penulisan refleksi anda (15 minit)

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Some talking points for future writing• Your feelings and attitude about your actions

: The reason(s) I took this road is (are)...• Your plans to implement the actions ( in the

classroom)• As you implement your actions, do you note

any change(s) you had to make in your roles/behavior

• What about your students? What do you notice about their attitudes and reactions to your new role/behavior?

• Did you notice any difference in student roles and attitudes while you were assuming your new role/behavior?

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Some talking points for future writing

• How did you feel while you were acting the role /behavior?

• What do you think about your achievements or non-achievement in assuming the new role/behavior? : The best of what I have achieved is...

• What has been particularly helpful to you in this endeavor...

• What has hindered you, what you have struggled with...

• What you would do for the future...• Others…..

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Reflection-in-action (Schon 1987). • Reflection-in-action is when you are working, and being aware

of what you are doing at the same time. This is the way any confident, experienced practitioner works:

• Thinking one step ahead (oh good, if that's happened the next thing is to... )

• Being critical (no, not there, try just here); • Storing experience for the future (I could have said that better

- next time...) • Analysing (she's saying that to test me out - better respond

cautiously here) • There is a hawk in your mind, hovering over your every

action, its sharp eyes missing nothing. But that hawk can only see things from one point of view: your own.

• Offer split-second reflection - because of necessity you move onto the next action, and the next thought.

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• usually referred to as reflective practice. • This is the reflecting you do after the event:

thinking through, and often discussing the incident with a colleague or supervisor.

• To an extent we all do it - whether formally at work, or informally over coffee / beer either with colleagues or friends / family.

• Our reflection, and its value to us, can be hugely enhanced by a greater understanding of the process. It will enable us to generate our own vital questions - formulate and respond to our own learning needs.

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Sharing your Writing with a Peer

• Your writing has the power to influence another, and them you. • A peer's thoughts on your reflective writing can open up fresh avenues of thought. They will be able to help you see

aspects, which even the illuminating process of writing hadn't highlighted. They will also support you towards deeper levels of reflection, as well as to see your account in a wider context. (Your marriage partner might be the wrong person.)

• You may like to share writings with a reader before you email them to all of us , thoughthe Wisdom group is your primary audience, Here are some guidelines:

• I. Be kind and supportive! Not negative! • II. Read and comment on the writing, rather than the person who has written it. You are not reading the work to offer

therapy or support for the writer, but to engage with their writing in order to suggest useful and developmental avenues of thought. The safest way of containing the discussion to the writing is to consider the story to be a fiction. If the characters and their actions are fictional, then the reader has as much right to suggest ways of thinking and of developing the writing, as the writer.

• III. Any written or oral discussion should be confidential to the parties involved, unless they specifically decide otherwise. This will offer sufficient safety for participants to say what they feel and think.

• IV. The writer should make it clear to the reader/commenter, any particular kind of parameters they have for the discussion.

• V. Don't apologise for your writing - you are all in the same position - it can become like a competition - who can apologise the most convincingly!

• Email us your writing, or share it with a friend/colleague first (with the above guidelines) - this process of exposure does get easier. Enjoy deepening the reflective process - verbally or in writing.

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Goh Lay [email protected]

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Menganalisis data refleksi• Analisis kandungan (content analysis)

• Analisis pola (pattern analysis)

• Analisis dilema (Dilemma analysis)

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Analisis Kandungan

• Meneliti data yang diperolehi• Menggaruskan perkara-perkara yang

penting berhubung dengan persoalan kajian

• Menentukan kategori yang sesuai• Melabelkan bahagian-bahagian data

dengan nama kategori atau singkatatn/kod

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Analisis Pola

Buat analisis berpandukan soalan-soalan tersebut:• Apakah pola yang dilihat?• Apakah kesignifikan pola ini• Apakah kesan pola perlakuan tersebut?• Sejauhmanakan pola serta kesan daripadanya

serasi/sepadan dengan hasrat guru• Sekiranya kesan pola berkenaan memang sepadan

dengan hasrat guru, apakah teori yang dapat dirumuskan?

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Analisis Dilemma

• Meneliti data untuk mengenalpasti dilema• Menulis satu pernyataan yang jelas tentan

dilema• Menjelajah dilema tersebut untuk

memahami faktor-faktor yang menimbulkannya, kesan

serta tahap seriusnya• Mencari penyelesaian

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Aktiviti III: Menganalisis Data (15 minit)

• Bekerja dalam kumpulan

• Rujuk kepada sampel-sampel refleksi ringkas yang telah diedarkan.

• Buat analisis data dan mengenalpasti pola-pola yang sama daripada

refleksi-refleksi tersebut

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Triangulasi Data• Triangulasi MasaSumber yang sama untuk jangka masa yang panjang• Triangulasi MetodKaedah mengumpul data yang berlainan ke atas

objek kajian yang sama• Triangulasi SumberMendapat maklumat /pandangan sumber informasi

yang berlainan• Triangulasi PenyelidikMenggunakan lebih daripada seorang penyelidik

untuk mengumpul data- Altrichter et al, 1993: Cohen & Manion, 1994

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Aktiviti IV: Mengenalpasti triangulasi data (10 minit)

• Rujuk balik kepada artikel-artikel 1, 2 & 3.

• Cuba kenalpasti jenis triangulasi data yang digunakan oleh ketiga-tiga penyelidik

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Artikel 1 – Rosmah Onong


•Soal selidik

•Keputusan ujian

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Artikel 2: Caroline Val Madin

Soal selidik

Senarai semak

Aktiviti rancangan pelajaran

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Artikel 3: Goh LH



•Temu bual (sesi refleksi)

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All college pictures courtesy of staff of Jabatan Teknologi Pendidikan, Maktab Perguruan Gaya

Thank you.

Goh Lay Huah

Jabatan Teknologi Pendidikan

Maktab Perguruan Gaya