Motor Cyc Lre

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Transcript of Motor Cyc Lre

  • 8/20/2019 Motor Cyc Lre


    I want to explain about my motorcycle

    my motorcycle is yamaha vixion

    I bought it in August 2012 in the city of Magelang precisely in Muntilan

    so I already have my bike about two years

    I bought it when I was working in Cikarangso I can not buy it directly

    so I asked my dad to help buy the bike

    then my dad bought a white vixion

    one month after the end the bike I take to Cikarang

    my motor characteristics are !

     "amaha #ixion 2012 white color with black shades

    My bike ever crashed two times so slightly dented mu$er section

    and scratched on the headlights and slightly dented in gas tank

    My vixion have % stroke and using the clutch

    my motorcycle has a & speed and the maximum speed reaches 1'0 km (hour

    and has a maximum fuel capacity of 12 liters

    I am really like my bike because I bought it with my money

    I usually clean it every week

    and I also lubricate the engine parts with oil such as chains and other parts

    and every one or two months I usually servicing my bike and change the oil

    )o this is the end of my explanation about my motorcycle