c - Morfologi Tanah Dit

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  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit



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  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit


    The interaction of the five soil-forming factors; time, climate,parent material, topography,and plant and animal life, resultin the development of a soilprofile.

    A soil profile is a vertical section

    of the soil beginning at thesurface and extending downinto the unconsolidatedunderlying material to a depthof 60 inches or more.

    [email protected]

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    Syarat profil tanah: Baru

    Tidak terkena sinar



    Tidak Dekat jalan(bahangalian/timbunan)

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  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit


    O Horizon- The top, organic layer of soil, madeup mostly of leaf litter and humus (decomposedorganic matter).

    A Horizon- The layer called topsoil; it is foundbelow the O horizon and above the E horizon. Itis made up of humus (decomposed organicmatter) mixed with mineral particles.

    E Horizon- This eluviation (leaching) layer islight in color; this layer is beneath the A Horizonand above the B Horizon. It is made up mostly ofsand and silt, having lost most of its minerals andclay as water drips through the soil (in theprocess of eluviation).

    [email protected]

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    B Horizon- This layer is beneath the E Horizonand above the C Horizon. It contains clay andmineral deposits (like iron, aluminum oxides, andcalcium carbonate) that it receives from layers

    above it when mineralized water drips from thesoil above.

    C Horizon- Also called regolith: the layer beneaththe B Horizon and above the R Horizon. It consistsof slightly broken-up bedrock. Plant roots do not

    penetrate into this layer; very little organic materialis found in this layer.

    R Horizon- The unweathered rock (bedrock)layer that is beneath all the other layers.

    [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit


    The central concept of

    Entisols is that of soils

    that have little or no

    evidence ofdevelopment of

    pedogenic horizons.

    Many Entisols have an

    ochric epipedon and afew have an anthropic

    epipedon. Many are

    sandy or very shallow.

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    The central concept ofInceptisols is that of soilsof humid and subhumidregions that have alteredhorizons that have lostbases or iron and

    aluminum but retain someweatherable minerals.They do not have anilluvial horizon enrichedwith either silicate clay or

    with an amorphous mixtureof aluminum and organiccarbon.

    The Inceptisols may havemany kinds of diagnostichorizons, but argillic, natric

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    The central concept ofAlfisols is that of soilsthat have an argillic, akandic, or a natrichorizon and a basesaturation of 35% orgreater. They typicallyhave an ochricepipedon, but mayhave an umbricepipedon. They mayalso have a petrocalcic

    horizon, a fragipan or a

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    The central concept ofAndisols is that of soils

    dominated by short-range-order minerals. They includweakly weathered soils withmuch volcanic glass as wellas more strongly weathered

    soils. Hence the content ofvolcanic glass is one of thecharacteristics used indefining andic soilproperties.

    Materials with andic soilproperties comprise 60percent or more of the

    thickness between themineral soil surface or the

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    The central concept of Aridisols isthat of soils that are too dry formesophytic plants to grow. They

    have either: (1) an aridic moisture regime and an

    ochric or anthropic epipedon and onor more of the following with anupper boundry within 100 cm of thesoil surface: a calcic, cambic, gypsic,natric, petrocalcic petrogypsic, or asalic horizon or a duripan or anargillic horizon, or

    (2) A salic horizon and saturation witwater within 100 cm of the soil

    surface for one month or more innormal years. An aridic moisture regime is one that

    in normal years has no wateravailable for plants for more than halthe cumulative time that the soiltemperature at 50 cm below the

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    The central concept ofGelisols is that of soils

    that have permafrostwithin 100 cm of the soilsurface and/or have gelicmaterials within 100 cm of

    the soil surface and havepermafrost within 200 cm.

    Gelic materials aremineral or organic soil

    materials that haveevidence of cryoturbation(frost churning) and/or icesegeration in the activelayer (seasonal thaw

    layer) and/or the upper

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    The central concept ofHistosols is that of soilsthat are dominantlyorganic. They are mostlysoils that are commonlycalled bogs, moors, orpeats and mucks.

    A soil is classified asHistosols if it does nothave permafrost and isdominated by organicsoil materials.

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    The central concept of

    Mollisols is that of soils

    that have a dark colored

    surface horizon and arebase rich. Nearly all have

    a mollic epipedon. Many

    also have an argillic or

    natric horizon or a calcichorizon. A few have an

    albic horizon. Some also

    have a duripan or a

    petrocalic horizon.

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    The central concept ofOxisols is that of soils of the

    tropical and subtropicalregions. They have gentleslopes on surfaces of greatage. They are mixtures of

    quartz, kaolin, free oxides,and organic matter. For themost part they are nearlyfeatureless soils without

    clearly marked horizons.Differences in propertieswith depth are so gradualthat horizon boundaries are

    generally arbitrary

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    The central concept ofSpodosols is that of soils in

    which amorphous mixtures oforganic matter and aluminum,with or without iron, haveaccumulated. In undisturbedsoils there is normally an

    overlying eluvial horizon,generally gray to light gray incolor, that has the color ofmore or less uncoated quartz.

    Most Spodosols have littlesilicate clay. The particle-sizeclass is mostly sandy, sandy-skeletal, coarse-loamy, loamy,loamy- skeletal, or coarse-silty

    Podzolization : leaching of soluable minerals from A to B horizon typical of cool, humid, and acidic environments

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  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit


    The central concept ofUltisols is that of soils thathave a horizon thatcontains an appreciableamount of translocatedsilicate clay (an argillic orkandic horizon) and fewbases (base saturation

    less than 35 percent).Base saturation in mostUltisols decreases withdepth.

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    The central concept of

    Vertisols is that of soils

    that have a high content

    of expending clay andthat have at some time

    of the year deep wide

    cracks. They shrink

    when drying and swell

    when they become


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    Sizing Up SoilStructure | ColbyDigsSoilcolbydigssoil.c


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    Angular blocky


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    Differentsoil color

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  • 8/12/2019 c - Morfologi Tanah Dit


    Soil consistency Roots

    pH and effervescence Special feature

    Moisture status Consistence Abbreviation DescriptionAlmost no natural adhesion

    Table 9.7.1. Classification of consistence (Buol et al., 1997).R f

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    wet Nonsticky wsoAlmost no natural adhesionof soil material to fingers

    Slightly sticky wssSoil material adheres to onlyone finger

    Sticky wsSoil material adheres to bothfingers

    Very sticky wvs Soil material strongly adheresto both fingers

    Nonplastic wpoNo wire is formable by rollingmaterial between the hands

    Slightly plastic wpsOnly short (< 1cm) wires areformed by rolling materialbetween the hands

    Plastic wp

    Long wires (>1cm) can beformed and moderatepressure is needed to deforma block of the moldedmaterial

    Very plastic wvpMuch pressure is needed todeform a block of the moldedmaterial

    Moist Loose ml Soil material is noncoherent

    Very friable mvfrAggregates crush easilybetween thumb and finger

    Friable mfrGentle pressure is required tocrush aggregates

    Firm mfiModerate pressure is requiredto crush aggregates

    Very firm mvfi Strong pressure is required tocrush aggregates


    Table 9.8.1. Classification of roots.

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    Root quantity classes Per unit area

    Very few < 0.2

    Moderately few 0.2 to 1

    Few < 1

    Common 1 to < 5

    Many >= 5

    Size classes of roots Diameter in mm

    Very fine < 1

    Fine 1 - 2

    Medium 2 - 5

    Coarse 5 - 10

    Very coarse > 10

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    Small precipitates (e.g. salts, carbonates) dispersedthroughout the matrix of a horizon



    Noncemented bodies of accumulation of variousshapes that cannot be removed as discrete units (e.g.

    crystalline salts)


    Cemented bodies of various shapes that can beremoved as discrete units from soil

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    Concretions: Cemented bodies similar to nodules, except for

    the presence of visible, concentric layers of

    material around a point, line, or plane Crystals: Macro-crystalls forms of relatively soluble salts

    (e.g. gypsum, carbonates) that form in situ byprecipitation from soil solution

    Biological concentrations: Discrete bodies accumulated by a biological

    process (e.g., fecal pellets, insect casts)